Chapter 3

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I was running as fast as I could. I saw the hospital. Kim was behind me walking.

When I got into the hospital I ran towards the ICU. I stopped at the door and looked through. I was about to go in until the nurse stopped me.

"Sir you can't go in there." She says.

"My girlfriend was just in an accident and I have to see her!! I need to see her?!! Why can't I see my girlfriend?!!" I say sobbing.

"Only family is allowed in." The nurse says.

Just than Kim grabs me and pulls me into a hug and let's me cry.

"I need to see Mia!!" I say whimpering.

"We will." Kim says. "I have a plan."

Kim whispers the plan into my ear and goes up to the security guard.

"There is a person in the bathroom that is bleeding and we need to get nurses." She says frantically. (I know this is not how it was in the book but I want to make it simpler to write. So sorry about it if u don't like it.)

After she says that a bunch of nurses run and follow her along with the security guard. While they leave, I run into the ICU. I start to frantically look for Mia.

Then I see this beautiful girl with a bunch of wires. Mia. I walk over to her bed and just as I am about to grab her hand a nurse sees me and calls security. A security guard grabs me and pulls me out of the ICU.

"This is not fair! I deserve to see her!" I say as they throw me outside of the ICU.

When I get there Kim is there and so is Willow.

"What seems to be the problem here?" Willow ask.

"These two tried to sneak into the ICU." He says.

"I know these two personally. I got it from here." She tells the security guard and then turns to us. "What were you two thinking?"

"We had to see Mia. I had to see her. I love her." My voice breaking.

"Okay guys lets go to the waiting room." Willow says and we walk behind her into the waiting room.


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