Chapter 8

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She got in. I am so proud of her I knew she could. She is amazing.

"You got in!!! Mia you are going to Juilliard!!!! I am so proud of you!" I say with happy tears falling out of my eyes.

**********TIME SKIP***********

2 days later


I feel someone holding my hand. I need to wake up. I tell myself.

I somehow managed to find the strength to wake up. I open my eyes and see a boy with brown hair sitting next to me. Adam.

"Adam...." I whimper. He stands up immediately and looks down.

"Mia.... OMG Mia your awake?!!" He says as he leans down and kisses my forehead and see him press a button.

Just then some nurses walk in.

"Mr. Wilde you need to leave the room." She says.

"Okay." He tells her." See you soon." He says to me and walks out of the room.


I can't believe she is awake. I walk out to the waiting room and see everyone, including her parents and Teddy. Her parents got released yesterday.

"I have great news!!" I say excitedly.

"What is it?!" Kat asked me.

"Mia is awake!!!" I say.

"OMG!!!! Can we see her?" Denny asked.

"After the doctor checks her out." I tell them.

Just then Mia's doctor walks out and tells us that they moved Mia into a recovering room and that 3 of us can go in at a time. We let Mia's parents and Teddy go in first.

Not even 15 minutes later Kat walks out saying Mia wants to see me and Kim next as her dad and Teddy walk out.

"Kim, Adam?! Mia wants to see you." She tells us and we walk into the room.

"Hey baby girl." I say as I go kiss her forehead and sit on the chair as Kim sits on the other side.

"Hey Mia." Kim says.

"Hey you guys." She says.

"I am so glad to hear your sweet, beautiful voice again. I have missed it while you were out." I say.

"I am glad I stayed." Mia says.

"We are too Mia." Kim says.

After awhile we go to get up so everyone can come visit Mia, but Mia grabs my hand.

"Please stay I want you in the room." She asks.

"I would love to, but everyone wants to see you and I can't take that from them. But I promise I will be back after everyone has their chance to see you." I tell her.

"You promise?!" She asks.

"I promise." I say and place a quick peck on her lips.

"Bye Kim. See u later?!" Mia says.

"See you later Mia." She says.

"Love you." I say as we walk out of the room.

"Love you too." I hear her say.


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