Chapter 11

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********2 weeks  Later********

Mia got out of the hospital a week ago. I have been spending all day and night at the Halls helping them and helping Mia get better. Lately she has been getting nightmares, where she starts violently shaking and screaming in her sleep.

I remember the first night she got home. I left around 9:30 right after Mia fell asleep. At about 11:45pm I get a call from Denny. My brain is telling me this can not be good.

"Hello..." I say.

"Hey Adam. Sorry to bother you but is there a way you can come over. Mia really needs you?!" He says frantically.

"Of course. What's going on. What's wrong. Is she hurt?!" I ask worried.

"She is shaking and screaming and we can not get her to calm down." He says.

"On my way. Is she awake?!" I ask. Pretty sure he could hear the concern in my voice.

"She is awake. But I think she is having a panic attack and we can't get her to calm down. She is yelling your name." He says.

"I will be there in less than 10 minutes. Got to go driving over right now. Tell her I am on my way and that I love her very much. " I say and hang up.

***********10 minutes**********
I pull into the Hall's drive way and jump out of my car and run to the front door and knock.

Kat answers the door.

"Thank god your here. Come in." She says. "Mia is in her room with Denny."

"Thanks." I say and run up to her room.

When I get to the door way I stop. I see Denny trying to calm her down and she is fighting him off. This could take a while.

"Hey..." I say as I walk over to the bed.

"Thanks for coming." Denny says as he gets up so I can sit down.

"No problem I would do anything for her." I say. After that he and Kat stand at the door as I grab Mia to hold in my arms.

"Hey baby girl it's ok. You're ok. I am right here." I say as I rock her like a small child. She looks up at me, tears streaming down her face.

"Adam..." She whimpers.

"Yes sweetheart." I ask and kiss her forehead.

"Stay with me." She asks.

I look over at her parents asking with my eyes to see if it was okay. They nodded and I turned around. "Of course I will stay Mia." I tell her and lay down on her bed. She snuggles into my side and falls straight to sleep.

"Thank you for helping and spending the night. See you in the morning." Kat says.

"Thanks for letting me spend the night and taking care of your daughter." I say.

"No problem as long as you protect my little girl." Denny said." Good night."

"Good night." I say and they walk out.

I look down and whisper goodnight to Mia and then fall asleep.

I think about that night everyday and know I never want to see her like that again.
Sorry guys for making Mia so emotional at the moment but I feel like even if her parents didn't die she would still be a little jumpy for a couple weeks. I promise she will become more like herself.

If they livedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin