Chapter 7

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When I get in I stand at the door way for a second. I can't believe that beautiful, amazing girl is in that hospital bed with wires all over the place.

While Kim was visiting Mia, Willow went to the Hall house and got Mia's letter from Juilliard. I am going to read it to Mia.

I know she is in a coma, but her nurse said she might be able to hear me.

I go and sit down on the chair and place my guitar on the floor and grab Mia's hand.

"Stay. I love you. I need you. You are my world. All I can think about is you not getting old, having children, going to Juilliard, not playing the cello, and not giving me that smile that lights up my day." I say while my voice breaks. "Please I will move out with you to New York and quite the band if that's what you want or need me to do. You just have to stay."

"I wrote you a song like you asked."


I am sitting their watching Adam. I want to wake up. I want to see you again. Then I hear a guitar playing and look to see that Adam wrote me a song.

Just then Gramps walks in.

"Denny is awake and asking to see you Adam." He tells Adam.

"Thank you Sir." Adam says.


Once Mia's grandfather leaves I get up and kiss Mia's forehead.

"I love you. Be back soon." I whisper to her and walk out toward Denny's room.

When I get there I knock.

"Come in." He says

"Hey, how are you?" I ask. Since Mia and I started to date I got pretty close to her family.

"Okay I guess." He says." How is everyone else?"

"Teddy is just banged up a little bit. He has a broken wrist and a broken rib but his rib is almost healed and he was released a couple days ago. Kat had to have surgery but is healing fine." I say.

"What about Mia?" He ask and I sigh.

"Mia....Mia is in a coma she got the worst impact of all of you. The doctors were not sure she if she was going to live because she had internal bleeding, but it stopped so she is most likely to wake up soon." I say as my eyes get watery.

"my poor baby girl!" He says.

"I know I miss her smile. I want her to wake so I can see it. I was about to read her the Juilliard letter." I say.

"You got it?" He asked surprised.

"Well, Willow did." I say.

"Then go read it to her. She might hear you, but you have to tell me after." He tells me.

"Of course I will. Then I will tell Kat." I say. "See you soon." And I walk out as he waves bye.

I run to Mia's room and sit on the chair and grab her hand.

"This is it baby girl. Are you ready?!" I ask. I felt her squeeze my hand. I will tell the nurse after but this is an important part of Mia's future and I want to tell her.

I open the letter slowly and carefully. When it is open I take the letter out and read it. OMG. Is all I can thing after I finish reading it to her.


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