Oversimplified American Revolutionary War: Part 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own Arknights, video, and image as they are owned by their respective owners

Warning: This chapter will contain curse words, mentioning the past such as slavery and racism which I do not support both of them, gun shot sounds, death and blood, and other things, leave if you are uncomfortable

(This video is not owned by me and is owned by Oversimplified)

My Pov

The audience including Talulah as she woke up after some time after she went unconscious and was in tears after seeing Alina alive waited for a while and about a few minutes later the video starts and the scene starts off with the Spanish throne and in sits King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain and the door would be slammed open and in comes Christopher Columbus with a complete disrespect for the Spanish monarchs as he shouted.

Columbus: Holy smokes!

Queen Isabella: (angrily) Christopher Columbus, that is no way to address the king and queen of Spain, what is wrong with you?

Of course after that the kids and some of the more childish adults such as W laughed while the more mature kids such as Amiya and the adults shook their heads at Columbus's disrespect for the royalty

Columbian kid #1: That is so funny.

Columbian kid #2: I agree with you.

Of course the fathers of both of those kids did not like that so they scolded them.

Columbian adult #1: Thomas, behave.

Columbian adult #2: You too Catherine, behave.

The 2 Columbian kids looked down as they were scolded by their fathers as they payed attention to the video.

Columbus: Ok ok, so you know how we're looking for a new trade route to India, right?

King Ferdinand: Right.

Columbus: And the Earth is round, right?

King Ferdinand: Right.

Columbus: So I'm thinking we can just sail the other way around the planet, right?

King Ferdinand: Yeah?

Columbus: So I set sail yeah?

King Ferdinand: Mmhmm

Columbus: And I reach India, right?

King Ferdinand: Right.

Columbus: Wrong! Wrong! I did not reach India, I did not! I did no-

King Ferdinand:(anger) Alright, alright get to the point.

Columbus: Did you know, there's a whole 'nother freaking continent out there!

King Ferdinand: Okay, and you think I should care about this, why?

Columbus: Oh, I'm sorry. Did I forget to mention there's gold everywhere!

King Ferdinand: Gold?

This surprised everyone, then Suzuran decided to ask me about gold.

Suzuran: Is there really gold in your world?

I paused the video and answered the kid.

Me: Yup, but it's a rare resource in my time, but back then gold was common and people used them from arts to sculptures, and the amount of gold depends on how rich you are, in fact the nobility and other powerful people got the most gold.

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