Oversimplified: The French Revolution part 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own Arknights, the images, and the video

Warning: This chapter will have that video where there is the guillotine so expect deaths as they are going to be executions and will also include some darkest moments during the French Revolution besides The Reign of Terror.

Once again the Terran audience are wondering when the next video is going to start, but they will have their answer as I then pressed start on the second part of the French Revolution and the video starts.

(Video by Oversimplified)

Part 2

Oversimplified: King Louis and his family were now in the Tuileries Palace in Paris, where for the next couple of years, he watched as the revolutionary government began to strip away his power and fearing for his safety, he had to stay on their good side.

Louis XVI: Hey, look who it is. It's my favorite revolutionaries. Yep, I'm your number one fan. What can I do for you.

Revolutionary member #1: Hey, King Louis. So we've made a few decisions. First, all of your friends in the nobility are gonna have to pay taxes the same as everyone else.

Louis XVI: Great Idea!! I love it!!

Revolutionary member #1: And as a side note, the tax money can no longer pay for all your lavish parties.

Louis XVI: Great!! I hate those parties. They're so awkward.

Revolutionary member #1: And we're also taking away your Porsche.

Louis XVI: Aw, c'monnn! I mean, yay.

The conversation ended as King Louis XVI brought out the foam finger.

I can tell that he does not like that at all, says Lin as everyone agreed with her, then the audience hears the speaker continue.

Oversimplified: The king continually found demand after demand being made of him to prove his support for the revolution. On one occasion, a mob would invade the palace and demand he wear the revolutionary bonnet. This is the face of a man who is definitely pretending he wants to wear that bonnet.

Oversimplified: Now around here, I wanna mention that one thing King Louis had a problem with was people constantly raiding his palace, but one thing he didn't have a problem with was raiding noobs on this video's sponsor, Raid Shadow Legends.

Of course this caused the gamers in Terra to wonder what this game is about as they hear what the game is which piqued their interest

Fast forward

The narrator finished talking about the sponsor as they hear him continue.

Oversimplified: Now, where was I? Oh yeah. Seeing the situation rapidly turning against him, the king decided it might be a good idea to leave France and mount a campaign to retake his country from abroad. Luckily for him, he was married to an Austrian. So on the night of June 20th, 1791, the king and his family disguised themselves as servants and attempted to flee to the Austrian Netherlands. The royal carriage made a stop in the town of Varennes and the postmaster there was like,

Postmaster: Hey guys. What's up? Where are you off to?

Louis XVI: We are but a collection of inconspicuous servants heading for the border for no particular reason at all.

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