Oversimplified: The Napoleonic Wars part 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own Arknights, the image, and the video

Warning: This chapter will contain a very questionable thing at the beginning. Along with bullying, deaths, etc. along with mentioning the greedy nobles that were present a couple of chapters back

Everyone of course got ready to see the video as I then clicked play to start the video.

The video starts off with an another sponsorship, NordVPN with the link and then the scene takes to a doctor with Napoleon's parents, the parents and parental figures knew what this is and they quickly covered the kids eyes, much to the protest of the children, then the doctor spoke.

Doctor: Ok, Mrs. Bonaparte. This is it. One last push and we're done.

Mrs. Bonaparte: Hnnnggg!

Mrs. Bonaparte pushed with all of her strength to get her baby out


Then a baby Napoleon pops out and lands at a table, then the doctor spoke.

Doctor: Congratulations, it's a general. Oh, and here come's the rest of the army now.

This confused the audience at what the doctor said, army? They thought to themselves.

Mrs. Bonaparte: Uh, did you say the rest of the ar-

Cue music

Mrs. Bonaparte was cut off as she screamed as Napoleon's army came out from her womb as the French army was shouting hut hut hut as the title was shown 'Oversimplified Presents THE NAPOLEONIC WARS'

The audience especially the females were completely confused at what they just saw, then Istina spoke.

Okay that was completely strange and we didn't need to see that.

Everyone nodded their heads as they were a disturbed from seeing that, then the narrator spoke.

Oversimplified: History is full of great conquerors many with very impressive origin stories. For example, Alexander The Great was the son of a king.

Alexander The Great was shown along with his father and he said 'Hey pops'

Oversimplified: Julius Caesar came from an aristocratic family that descended from a goddess.

Julius Caesar was also shown along with the person he descended from Venus who was the goddess of love and Caesar was angry and said 'Put some clothes on, grandma!'

Oversimplified: Great conquerors don't usually come from relatively insignificant families living on impoverished islands, but as it just so happens that is where our story begins.

The camera zooms to one particular island and the name of the island is shown that being the island of Corsica.

Oversimplified: In the early 18th century, The Island of Corsica was part of the Republic of Genoa until one day Corsica said, Hey we're declaring independence and it's probably not worth your time to try and stop us. So Genoa said, you're right, it isn't worth our time. Hey France, you want to buy this island? And France said, sure thing. And thus Corsica became France just in time for Napoleon to be born French.

Oversimplified: Many Corsicans didn't appreciate their new conquers however. And from an early age, Napoleon developed some fairly anti French sentiments. Napoleon's dad, however, quickly embraced his new French overlords which created some tension between dad and son.

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