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Di di .

Take a deep breath.

And now please remember to not stress Wei Gongzi regarding his injuries .

He will speak about it when he is ready .

And please be strong .

You are all he has .

(Wen Qing)

Jie jie .

I …

I don't think I can make it .

I …

We have been married for 3 months and there was never a day I observed anything different from him .

He ..

He always smiled .

Gave me his brightest smile to hide his darkest secrets .

Am I that untrustworthy?

(Lan zhan asks tearing up silently)

Di di .

Don't cry .

It's not about trust .

It's about acceptance.

First he should accept what happened to him and then he should stop pretending.

Then only he will realize that it was abuse .

(Wen Qing hugs lan zhan softly and comforts him )

Now , let's go to sleep .

We can talk tomorrow.

Take a rest now .

And don't worry about Wei Gongzi .

I treated him. He is alright and he will be .

With you by his side .

(Wen Qing)

Thank you, Jie .

Please take care of yourself also .

You didn't have a break for the past few hours .

Good night.

(Lan zhan)

Atleast, eat something light and sleep , Di di.

(Wen Qing asks with worried eyes )


I don't think I can .
(Lan zhan)

Okay .

But you can't skip breakfast tomorrow.

I will personally bring your breakfast to you.

Good night, di .

(Wen Qing)

Good night.
(Lan zhan )

[ As Lan zhan shuts the door after seeing Wen Qing  off.

He collapses against the door as if a puppet’s strings were cut suddenly.

And he starts to sob , the heavy ugly sobbing which hurts his throat and head .

As his tears fall on for a long period and he falls asleep while leaning against the door ]

Unknown POV :

Ouch .

My head hurts .

Where the hell am I ?

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