Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: I Didn't Want To Be Alone Tonight

"Let me guess she pledged her allegiance to you while you were naked in the sack?" Damon says outing Stefan in front of everyone. Stefan narrows his eyes at Damon. The audacity of his brother, after everything he has done. He's usually the calm one, the one that avoids the fight, but this time he's not having it.

"Are you jealous, Damon?" Stefan asks smugly, "Because they always come back to me." He steps closer to his brother. "I'm always the one they want in the end." Damon clenches his fist. "When are you going to learn that it's always going to be me?"

Stefan steps closer to his brother and stands in front of him. "Before this sirebond, even Elena was on her way to pick me," Stefan smirks at his brother, "Or maybe you'll turn your attentions to Rebekah since you always seem to want everything I have."

Damon clenches his fists harder, his nails digging into his skin and drawing blood. He's about to respond when Jeremy starts screaming. After the map has formed, they decide to leave the next morning to Nova Scotia. Stefan turns to leave.

"Where are you going?" Elena questions him. "Not that it's any of your business but I'd rather not have to listen to my brother fuck my ex-girlfriend, so I'll be finding somewhere else to sleep," Stefan responds without turning around. Elena flinches and speeds upstairs to go feel sorry for herself.

Stefan knocks on Rebekah's door. "Can I come in?"

Rebekah nods and stares at him curiously. "What are you doing here?"

"I didn't want to be alone tonight," Stefan admits. "Neither did I," Rebekah smiles.

Stefan kisses her passionately. She moans as he bites her bottom lip, drawing blood. He feels his fangs coming out, so he pulls away from and looks to the side. She takes her hands and brings his face towards her. "You don't have to hide from me."

He kisses her again and pulls her in closer. She grinds against him causing him to groan. "Bite me," Rebekah says, giving him permission. "Are you..." Stefan trails off as she continues to press herself into him. He lets his fangs sink into her neck and she moans as the pleasure and pain hits her all at once. After drinking his fill, he pulls away. "Now take me to bed," Rebekah demands. He lifts her up and places her on the bed before making love to her.

The next morning, they head to Nova Scotia. Elena and Rebekah spend most of the time bickering. Everyone tries their best to ignore their antics. They spend the day hiking until they find an appropriate place to make camp. Rebekah and Stefan share a moment by the fire. The real issue starts the next morning when Jeremy is missing.

Stefan and Rebekah go to search at the quarry but can't find Jeremy. "What is up with these Gilberts and causing problems for everyone?" Rebekah rolls her eyes. Stefan chuckles. Rebekah almost trips and Stefan catches her. She shivers at the contact and closes her eyes remembering how their bodies were pressed together last night. "I can smell you," Stefan smirks. Rebekah opens her eyes. "What?" Her face flushes red when she realizes what he means.

He moves her hands lower down her body and she feels her body is on fire. "I can smell how much you want me," Stefan whispers in her ear. Rebekah turns around and presses herself against him. "And I can feel how much you want me." Rebekah smirks while looking down and licking her lips. She feels his warmth breath against her neck and before she can register what's going on, they're both naked and her back is pressed against a tree. Their two bodies are joined together to be one. She doesn't know how the whole island didn't hear them.

In the clearing, Elena looks at Bonnie. "Did you find anything?" Bonnie shakes her head. "No, he's not on the trail." "And his gear is still here," Shane adds. Stefan and Rebekah enter the clearing reeking of sex and sweat. "He's not at the quarry either," Stefan informs them.

"How would you know?" Elena asks bitterly, "You were too busy having sex." Rebekah rolls her eyes. "We looked for Jeremy first." Damon sees the jealousy radiating off his girlfriend. "Let's split up."

"I'm gonna stay and try a locator spell," Bonnie announces. "I'll stay here and make sure she's safe," Shane says, looking at Bonnie. Damon narrows his eyes at Shane. "I'll stay here and make sure you're not lying." Elena looks at Stefan and Rebekah who glance at each other. "Fine. We'll keep searching," Elena says, "Someone has to make sure these two keep it in their pants."

"Is someone jealous?" Rebekah smirks, "We both know Stefan is better in bed than Damon." Rebekah and Stefan walk away without waiting for her response and she clenches her fist before following after them.

"Jeremy! Jeremy!" Elena calls out. "Why don't you yell louder? It's not like you're drawing more attention to us," Rebekah says sarcastically. Before Elena can respond, Stefan interjects, "She's right." "You're just taking her side because you're screwing her," Elena says bitterly. "No, he's taking my side because he has common sense," Rebekah rolls her eyes. Elena huffs and they continue searching.

Less than ten minutes later Elena sets off a trap and Rebekah stops it from impaling her. "Nice catch," Stefan remarks impressed. "Thank you," Rebekah replies proudly, "You can reward me for it later." She winks at him and Stefan smirks. Elena looks at them, a jealous glint in her eye. "Thank you," Elena says, causing them to look away from each other. She feels uncomfortable seeing the predatory look in Stefan's eyes as he looks at Rebekah. "I'm gonna go check on Bonnie," Elena announces before leaving. She knows if she stays there any longer, she may just attempt to kill Rebekah again.

Once Elena is out of earshot, Stefan grips Rebekah's waist roughly before moving his hand down and squeezing her ass. He swiftly connects their lips and kisses her roughly. She moans and wraps her legs around his waist. He lets his fangs graze her upper chest. "Stefan..." Rebekah begs, "Please." Stefan smirks at her. "As you wish." He plunges his fangs into her neck and begins sucking. She throws her head back in pleasure.

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