Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Missing Blood and Failed Seduction

The next morning, Damon enters Stefan's room. "We have problem," Damon says, pretending Rebekah isn't in the room. "Do you mind?" Rebekah glares at him while she pulls the covers up to cover her body. Damon smirks, "No I definitely don't." Stefan glares at his brother before groaning, "What's the problem?"

"Someone's been stealing blood from blood banks and it's none of us, so you know what that means..." Damon trails off. Stefan sighs. "Silas is in town." "Bingo," Damon replies. He shoots Stefan a look before leaving the room. Stefan recognizes the look and pulls on his boxers before following him. Once they're out of earshot, Damon faces Stefan. "I may have a lead on the cure," Damon says, "So I'm going to New York for a few days. Elena is coming with me, but I haven't told her it's about the cure because I don't want to get her hopes up." Stefan stops himself from revealing to Damon that Elena doesn't want the cure. He nods. "I'll try to figure out how we can deal with the Silas problem."

Two hours later, Rebekah went back to her apartment and Stefan goes downstairs. Klaus is pouring himself a drink while Caroline scowls at him. "Let's say the person who stole the blood bags was Silas. I'm struggling to see how this affects me."

"Silas wants to die and be reunited with his one true love, but he's supernatural so if he takes the cure and dies, he gets stuck on the Other Side. But if he destroys the Other Side then he can take the cure, die and pass on," Stefan explains, "In destroying it, every supernatural being will return to our side."

"That means every werewolf, every witch, every vampire," Caroline points out, "I wonder how many of those you personally killed. Care yet?" Klaus smiles. "My interest is piqued. How do we stop him?" Stefan sighs. "Bonnie said Silas needs to complete three massacres to do this spell. Before Professor Shane died, he convinced the pastor to blow up the Council. Next, he had you kill your hybrids so now he only needs one massacre. If he's here, then that's what he's doing. We need to find him," Stefan says.

Bonnie is struggling with expression and out of nowhere finds the need to call Abby. Abby sends some witches to help, and the witches try to cleanse her. She screams out in pain. She's the one that asked for this, but she doesn't understand why.

Damon calls Stefan. Stefan tells him that Silas has definitely returned and may have done something to Bonnie before leaving the cave. "According to the security footage, he's posing as Professor Shane," Stefan sighs. "Wouldn't be my first choice," Damon replies. "It would be if he's trying to brainwash Bonnie into committing a massacre," Stefan points out.

'You need me to come home?" Damon offers. "No, we got it," Stefan responds, "How's the cure search going?" "A buddy of mine, Will, had a repeat customer. 5'7 brunette. He said she was a runner," Damon informs him. "Katherine," Stefan breathes out. "Turns out I was helping her run from me," Damon presses his lips together, "Problem is I'm pretty sure that this filing system goes by birthdate, but I can't for the life of me remember Katherine's."

"June fifth, 1473," Stefan replies immediately. "And that brother, is why you are the better boyfriend." "I thought we knew that already," Stefan smirks, "You're welcome." Damon ignores him. "I'll be back soon."

Stefan arrives to the forest and sees the witches standing in a circle chanting. Stefan tries to get them to stop, but they refuse. He moves towards Bonnie but one of the witches (Aja) flings out her arm and uses a spell to weaken him. He grabs at his head and staggers backwards to his knees.

Klaus and Caroline arrive. "They're linked. Either Bonnie going to kill them or they're going to kill her first." Bonnie screams in pain, on the brink of death. Caroline runs into the circle and plunges a dagger into Aja's chest, killing her. The witches begin to drop dead, and the torches' flames burn out. Caroline approaches Bonnie. "Bonnie! Bonnie!" Caroline shouts and Bonnie opens her eyes and says, "The sacrifice is complete." Her eyes promptly close and she collapses.

Elena notices Damon's shiftiness and realizes the only way to get any answers is to seduce him. He told her he brought her here to have fun and so that they could spend time together. He starts telling her what happened between him and Lexi, and she surprisingly doesn't feel any jealousy. She kisses him and tries to slide her hand in his back pocket. He stops her and takes a slip of paper out of his back pocket.

"Looking for this?" Damon asks her.

Elena looks away guiltily. "I invented seducing people to get what I want," Damon smirks. "You're still looking for the cure and I don't want it," Elena says stubbornly, "You betrayed me." Feeling betrayed, Elena switches off her humanity.

"She might not want the cure," Rebekah says before snapping his neck, "But I do."

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