Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: The Pity Party

Suddenly they hear Elena scream. They stop and look at each other. He puts her down on the ground before they both speed off to the sound of the screams. They look at her, expecting her to say something. "Bonnie's gone," Elena tells them, "And so is Shane."

Rebekah runs over to her bags and looks through them. "So is the tombstone." She grabs Elena by the throat. "What did you do with it?" Rebekah asks angrily. Stefan places a hand on Rebekah's shoulder and says, "Let her go. She didn't take it." She calms down and releases Elena. They decide to walk down to the beach

They're on the beach when Caroline phones. Elena tells Caroline what happened, and Caroline agrees to search for the sword.

Still on the beach, waiting for Caroline to call them back. Rebekah is raising her phone to try and find a signal. Elena sits down next to Stefan. "And once again, everyone's life is in danger looking for this cure because poor Elena can't deal with being a vampire," Elena says, throwing her own pity party. Stefan shakes his head. "Everyone's here because they want to be... Not just for you, but for themselves too. There are people here that want this cure more than you do," Stefan replies, looking at Rebekah as he says that last sentence.

Elena ignores the fact that Stefan's eyes have moved to the blonde Original. "Why didn't you tell me that you wanted the cure for yourself?" Elena asks. "I mean why wouldn't I want to take it?" Stefan says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, "I've seen every side of vampirism there is... The power... the misery, the guilty. In the long run, even the good parts can start to suck."

"Yeah. I mean I know why you'd want to take it, but what I'm saying is why didn't you tell me?" Elena frowns. "Because it had nothing to do with you," Stefan shrugs, "Being human... being normal... That's something I wanted long before I met you."

Elena furrows her eyebrows. "Once we get this cure, we can all move on with our lives," Stefan says, his eyes trailing to Rebekah, "I think it might be time for me to travel again." "Stefan..." Elena squeezes his shoulder, "You don't have to leave Mystic Falls because of me."

"I'm not leaving because of you... I'm leaving for me," Stefan admits, "This town will never escape the supernatural now. If I want a real human life, I have to get out." He gets up and walks away without waiting for her response.

Rebekah's phone rings. "Hello?"

Caroline responds, "Hey, it's Caroline. We have the translation of the tattoo. We're emailing you the pictures if the map and instructions right now." Rebekah checks her phone and sees that she has received the email. "Got it, thanks."

"Actually, it was me." Rebekah is surprised when she hears her brother's smug voice. "Nik, you helped?" Rebekah huffs. "Shouldn't I be? I mean you don't me to be human. You don't want any of us to be. Why would you help us find the cure?"

"Maybe I finally realized the longer I stand in the way of what you want, the longer you'll continue to hate me. Perhaps I want my sister to finally know happiness." She furrows her brows. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me a hundred times..." Rebekah begins saying before Klaus interrupts her. "No more fooling. I hope you get to live and die as you wish."

Rebekah smiles as she responds, "So do I."

"There is one more thing, Rebekah. There's only one dose of the cure. You need to find it first and take it. It's the only way you'll..." Klaus begins before the call is cut. "Nik! Nik!" Rebekah calls out.

Rebekah, Elena and Stefan are walking across the island. "What did Caroline say?" Elena asks. "I don't know," Rebekah replies, "We lost signal. Come on, this way." They come to the edge of the cliff and stop.

"We need to get down and across," Rebekah informs them, "Advantage, we're vampires so all we have to do is jump." "Wait... Maybe you should leave the map behind in case you fall," Elena looks at Rebekah, "You don't want anything to happen to it." Rebekah glares at Elena. "We're doing this as a team," Stefan interrupts them, "Elena, you go first, and we'll be right behind you."

Elena hesitates before jumping. She lands on her feet but stumbles slightly. Stefan is about to jump when Rebekah throws out her arm and stops him. He looks at her with concern in his eyes. "What's wrong?" She gulps. "There's something you should know about the cure..." Rebekah says before telling him what Klaus told her.

"So, you're sure that Klaus is telling the truth?" Stefan asks. Rebekah nods. "Well, I guess that what happens when you're dumb enough to hold out hope," Stefan remarks sadly. "There's still hope for one of us," Rebekah places her hand on his shoulder, "But even if I was willing to give up the chance to be human for you, you'd give it to Elena, wouldn't you?"

Stefan lowers his head. "Yes... But not for the reasons you think. It's not because of how I feel about her... how I felt about her. It's just that I feel responsible for her being the way she is. It's my fault. I won't be able to be human and live happily with all that guilt."

"I understand," Rebekah nods, "I'm sorry that it couldn't work out the way we all wanted it to. I would give up the chance to be human for you... But I can't do it for her." Rebekah snaps his neck, and he falls to the ground. Elena stares in horror as Stefan's body drops to the floor. Rebekah looks at his unconscious body sadly. "I wish it could have been different."

Rebekah leaves and Elena jumps back up to Stefan at the top of the cliff. His eyes open and she hands him a blood bag which he begins gulping down. "There's only one cure?" Elena asks. He nods. "I can't take it... I mean not above everyone else who deserves it as much as I do," Elena sighs, "It's over."

"I'm sorry," Stefan replies. "Don't be... Maybe it's a blessing in disguise," Elena shrugs. Stefan furrows his brows and asks, "How so?" Elena sighs. "Things changed the minute I went over that bridge, Stefan. Even if I could be human again, I wouldn't be the person I was. So, it's about time that I accept the person that I am now and figure out a way to start living the rest of my life."

"The rest of your life... sired to Damon," Stefan points out. "We can deal with that when we get home."

"You know Rebekah said she would give me the cure..." Stefan trails off. "Then why didn't you take it?" Elena asks confused. "Because she knew that my guilt would force me to give it to you," Stefan chuckles darkly, "I lost the chance to be human because I wanted to give it to you instead and you don't even want it." Elena's breath catches in her throat as she realizes how selfish she's been.

Stefan's eyes widen in realization. "Klaus... Bonnie's spell isn't going to hold him. After what we did to Kol, if we don't ram the cure down his throat, he'll kill us all." Elena presses her lips together. "Pity party's over. We have to go."

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