Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Jealousy, jealousy

Stefan places Elena's unconscious body onto the cot in the cell of the Boarding House while Damon stands in the doorway. "She might not feel much, but she gonna feel that in the morning," Damon remarks.

"So how did you..." Damon trails off.

"I played on an emotion of hers," Stefan says.

"What emotion?" Damon asks.

"Jealousy..." Stefan says, "Over me and Rebekah."

Damon rolls his eyes, "So, what are we supposed to do? Have you and Rebekah screw each other in front of her?"

"No," Stefan shakes his head, "We'll figure it out later. We need to focus on other problem for now."

Damon nods and they leave the room.

Stefan appears at Rebekah's room door. "Can I come in?" She ignores him.

"Look I'm sorry for ditching you at the prom, I just had something to take care of," Stefan confesses.

"Ditching me at the prom was one thing," Rebekah snorts, "The other thing was much worse." Stefan looks at her confused.

She presses her lips together. "I heard the things you said to Elena... About how you were using me."

"Shit, Rebekah, I'm so sorry," Stefan runs his hand through his hair, "Look the things I said... I was just trying to help Elena, okay? I didn't mean that I was using you."

Rebekah looks at him blankly. "How am I supposed to believe that?"

"I don't know," Stefan admits.

"That's what I thought." Rebekah shakes her head. "You can leave now."

Stefan steps closer to her. "What if I don't want to?"

"What reason could you possibly have to stay?" Rebekah rolls her eyes.

"You," Stefan says, cupping her cheek, "Let me prove it to you." He drops down to his knees in front of her and lifts her dress up.

"Stefan... You can't just make everything better by..." Rebekah insists before moaning. She feels herself on the brink of satisfaction.

"Or maybe you can," Rebekah says breathlessly before her eyes roll to the back of her head.

Stefan wakes up to texts from Damon. He groans before slipping out of bed. He puts his clothes on and writes a quick note to Rebekah. He kisses her forehead before leaving.

Stefan and Damon debate on what to do with Elena when Katherine shows up to inform them that Klaus has left town.

Elijah updates Rebekah on Klaus's whereabouts and Rebekah can't help but feel a newfound freedom. Once Elijah finds out what's going on in New Orleans, he comes back to persuade Rebekah to return with him.

Damon enters Elena's mind and plants visions in her head of a positive high school experience, but Elena isn't falling for it. Damon sighs and goes upstairs.

"You still have her locked in the safe? You've been in her head for an hour. What, still nothing? Stefan asks with concern.

Damon shakes his head, looking troubled. "Look I know I was kind of being a dick about the whole Rebekah thing before... but I think it's time to try it."

Stefan nods. He enters Elena's mind and lets her watch him and Rebekah together.

"Stop!" She shouts, "Make it stop!"

"Not until you turn your humanity on." Elena growls at him. "Fine... force me to watch you and Rebekah screw each other. I can get over it, it's just sex." Stefan looks into her eyes.

"That's where you're wrong..." Stefan smiles, "It might have started out that way, but it's not just sex anymore."

Elena pulls against her restraints. All she can think about is wringing her hands around Rebekah's neck.

Stefan sighs as he walks out of the room. "It's not enough." He shakes his head. "There's one more option," Damon gives Stefan a look.

"Katherine," Damon and Stefan say simultaneously.

Katherine arrives and Damon takes her to Elena's cell. "Oh, honey you look awful," Katherine smirks as she pulls Elena out of the safe.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Elena asks angrily.

"Your boyfriends invited me," Katherine says walking closer to her, "They want to know if you still have a heart." Katherine plunges her hand into Elena's chest and grabs her heart. "There it is."

Katherine enquires about Elena's conversation with Elijah and Elena taunts her.

Katherine heads upstairs and Damon brings up her recent trouble with Elijah. She glares at him before smirking, "You know as soon as she goes back to her old self, she'll go straight to Stefan. That's the tragedy of you... You never get the girl."

Damon clenches his fist. Stefan enters the room. "Elena's gone."

"Oops," Katherine feigns innocence, "Did I forget to lock her in? Let's just say I've lost interest in Elena's recovery." Matt walks into the room and Damon instructs him to follow him.

Damon uses Matt to get Elena to turn the switch. She starts sobbing, tears streaming down her face, and he tries to comfort her. She starts getting violent when she remembers what she's done. She punches through the window of Matt's truck, sending glass everywhere.

Stefan holds her arms in front of her. "Hey, hey, look at me, look at me. I know this stage, okay? The emotions are overwhelming. You just have to focus on one thing, okay?"

Elena continues crying. "No, I can't, I can't..."

"You just find that one thing inside of you that makes you strong. It's in there, just latch onto it. Channel everything you're feeling into that one emotion. Find the thing inside of you that makes you want to live. Let it in, Elena, let it in."

Elena closes her eyes and thinks of Stefan. She calms down and stops sobbing. "That's good," Stefan encourages her, "That's it, just breathe it in. Blow everything else out. That's good, that's good." She listens to his words and breathes in his scent. It's intoxicating.

The gang soon realizes that Bonnie is performing the spell and before they can stop her, she drops the veil.

Katherine hears someone coming and goes to check it out. Elena stabs Katherine before slamming her face against a hot pipe. Katherine shouts in pain as it burns her face.

Bonnie writhes on the ground in pain when Stefan and Caroline rush into the chamber. "Bonnie, what happened?" Stefan says after speeding over to her.

"Katherine," Bonnie breathes out, "Find Katherine. We're linked." Stefan nods and leaves the chamber while Caroline stays with Bonnie.

Stefan arrives just in time to launch himself at Elena and prevent her from killing Katherine.

"Thanks for the save handsome," Katherine winks.

"Stefan!" Elena shouts angrily.

"Get the hell out of here before I kill you myself," Stefan growls.

"Really? I'm your biggest problem right now?" Katherine rolls her eyes before walking out of the room.

Silas was posing as Caroline and Bonnie realizes that he can still get inside her head.

"How could you save her?" Elena asks angrily, "She was as good as dead."

"Yeah, and so was Bonnie. They were linked."

Elena gasps.

"I saw her, Elena. You almost killed your best friend."

Elena shakes her head in disbelief.

"You never wanted me to kill Katherine," Elena accuses him, "Why are you protecting her? Do you still have feelings for her?" Before he can answer, Elena speeds away.

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