Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Some things never change

They go to a diner and Rebekah sits next to Katherine while Elena sits opposite them. "Where's the cure?" Elena narrows her eyes at Katherine.

"What? No, I'm here to avenge my annoying little brother speech?" Katherine glares back menacingly.

"Jeremy isn't dead," Elena smirks, "But that doesn't matter."

"You turned off your humanity switch," Katherine remarks surprised, "So sad for the boys though... Their special snowflake of human frailty gone... Well, if we're gonna be a while, I'm gonna go grab some menus." Katherine starts to stand up, but Rebekah stabs her hand with a fork, pinning it to the table. Katherine winces but sits back down.

"You're not going anywhere," Rebekah says threateningly.

Katherine presses her lips together. "I forgot how charming you were."

"I'm surprised you remember me at all, seeing as though you were so busy wedging yourself between my brothers."

Elena glares at both of them. "Every minute you two waste with your yapping is another minute we give Stefan and Damon to find us."

Rebekah grabs Katherine by the chin and tries to compel her. "Where's the cure?" Katherine smirks, "Sorry I'm on vervain. Why do you two want it anyway?"

"The question is why do you want it? Let me guess to kill Niklaus?" Rebekah asks.

"I've spent the last five hundred years running from your brother. I have no intention of being within sniffing distance of him. But since it can be used against him, I'm sure he's itching to get his hands on it. So, I give him the cure and he gives me my freedom," Katherine explains.

Elena sighs loudly. "Where's the part in your plan where you screw us over and somebody dies?"

"I have no reason to screw you over," Katherine rolls her eyes, "I know you don't believe me, but it is the truth. People change, I'm not the girl you think I am." Rebekah laughs. She searches Katherine's pockets. She finds her phone and tosses it to Elena.

"I don't have it on me," Katherine scoffs.

"I didn't think you did. But I'm sure there's something in that, that can help us find it," Rebekah responds.

Katherine looks worried as Elena searches through her phone. "Who's EM?" Elena asks. "A friend," Katherine says. "It says here you're meeting at 2... I guess I'll just have to meet EM myself," Elena smirks.

Stefan and Damon are walking along the street. "So what happens when we find Elena? How are we going to get her back to Mystic Falls now that her humanity switch is off? I mean she's not exactly going to quietly and she has Rebekah as her bodyguard... Rebekah wants nothing more than to get that cure," Stefan says to his brother.

"We do whatever we have to do, I don't care... I got my neck snapped in New York and now I'm royally pissed off. I don't care what she wants. She's too close to going off the rails for good and that's not happening," Damon replies.

Elena comes out of the restroom, closing a make-up compact and returns to the table where Katherine and Rebekah are sitting. "What do you think?" Elena asks, flipping her hair.

"It's close, not quite slutty enough... I think you need more eyeliner," Rebekah suggests.

Elena laughs and then looks at Katherine, "I'm going to need your clothes."

"Yeah, that's gonna happen," Katherine says sarcastically.

"Fine," Elena rolls her eyes, "Hand over your bracelet, watch and earrings." Katherine takes off her jewelry and puts them on the table. "And I'm gonna need that jacket."

"This will never work, you know... The bad haircut, the doe eyes. You'll never pass for me," Katherine says before throwing her jacket to Elena. She mimics Katherine, "You'll never pass for me."

"Throatier," Rebekah says, "More mannish."

Elena says the line again but raspier this time. "Perfect."

"Almost there..." Elena says before she smirks, "Your shoes. I want your shoes." Katherine shoots her a look of contempt. She takes the shoes and goes to the location to meet EM.

"You know, it's funny, I've always been a little envious of the legend that is Katherine Pierce. The way you could wrap men around your little finger, the way Elijah betrayed Klaus for you, the way the Salvatore brothers stumbled head over heels for you... And yet here we are, all these years later, in a town that you've had to compel into liking you," Rebekah laughs, "I'm sorry I shouldn't laugh. It's really more sad than funny."

"You want to take the cure... Are you really that dumb or just naturally blonde?" Katherine raises her eyebrow at Rebekah.

"I want a normal life again," Rebekah says firmly.

"You mean you want a do-over... Well guess what, you can't have it. The cure only takes away your immortality. Everything else you hate about yourself; you'll still wake up with that in the morning. And you won't even be able to compel yourself a friend," Katherine smirks. Rebekah shrinks upon hearing Katherine's words.

"Ladies, playing nice?" Stefan looks at them. Damon sits down across from them.

"Well, if it isn't my favourite Salvatore?" Katherine bites her lip, fully focused on Stefan.

Rebekah growls and Katherine looks at her surprised. "Well, someone's jealous."

Damon ignores their antics. "Where's Elena?"

"I don't think so," Rebekah glares at him, "I tell you where she is then you shove the cure down her throat, and I end up in a box."

"What about you?" Damon asks Katherine.

"I can give you a hint... Start by looking at the town morgue. She's probably dead," Katherine smirks, "She went to meet up with a friend of mine. You may know him... An Original brother, impeccable taste."

"Elijah," Damon and Rebekah say, their eyes widening in the process.

Stefan smirks, "Well, you sort of have to question Elijah's impeccable taste if he's friends with you."

Katherine pouts, "That hurts Stef."

She twirls one of her curls with her finger. "Oh, when I say friend... I mean friend," Katherine smirks, emphasizing the last word. Damon and Rebekah groan in disgust. "It probably took him about ten seconds to realize she wasn't me, at which point he probably yanked her heart right out of her chest."

"All right, where are they?" Stefan says look at Katherine. She remains silent. He turns to the blonde. "Rebekah, you do realize that if something happens to Elena then there's no chance of you finding the cure?"

"Fine," Rebekah sighs, "They were supposed to meet at the gazebo by the park."

Stefan gets up. "I'll go talk to Elijah."

Rebekah nods, "Katherine will take us to the cure."

"No, she won't," Katherine says, "The cure is my only chance to win my freedom back from Klaus." "You're gonna broker a deal with Klaus?" Damon asks shocked.

Stefan shakes his head. "No, she's going to get Elijah to do it for her. Some things never change."

The disappointed look in Stefan's eyes makes her shrink. "Fine. You have to follow me," Katherine tells Damon and Rebekah.

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