Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Prom

Damon and Stefan are playing catch with a football across the living room. "So, how long has it been?" Damon asks.

"Eight or nine days. I don't know. I lost count," Stefan replies, tossing the football back to him.

"If we've lost count of the consecutive days in which Elena Gilbert has not killed anyone then that's progress brother."

"So, what are we gonna do?" Stefan raises his eyebrow, "Just throw the football around for another 150 years until she gets her humanity back? Because I'm cool with that."

Damon shrugs. "She doesn't want the cure. She'll start killing people if she knows we're still trying to get it for her."

"We could always make her want it," Stefan suggests. "How are we going to do that?"

"Get her to flip her humanity switch."

"And what happens when she gets slammed with every emotion that she's repressed?"

"Well then you," Stefan tosses the ball, "Will be right by her side, ready to help her through it."

"Right," Damon responds, "Because you don't want to keep reliving history, and when this is all over you're just gonna get out of her life."

"Bingo," Stefan says as he catches the football.

Damon sighs. "All right. How do you wanna do this?"

Rebekah, Elijah and Klaus sit at table debating whether Klaus or Rebekah should get the cure. Eventually Elijah sides with Rebekah and agrees to give her the cure if she can last a day as a human. Rebekah is surprised but accepts the challenge.

Elena and Rebekah are walking down a street together. "You're gonna fail. You should be locking yourself inside all day, not shopping for prom."

Rebekah snorts. "Name me a more human experience than senior prom."

"Death," Elena says immediately.

"Why should I listen to you?" Rebekah rolls her eyes, "You don't even have your humanity."

"You realize you can't compel yourself a date, right?" Elena rolls her eyes.

"Yes," Rebekah responds, "And last time I checked, you're living in my house because I'm the only one that can tolerate you, so you don't have to be so rude."

"I'll make sure you pass Elijah's test," Elena rolls her eyes once again, "Once you've gotten the cure, it'll be gone for good, and no one will be able to use it on me."

They run into Caroline and Bonnie. They exchange a few words and Elena smirks evilly as Bonnie and Caroline leave the store.

It's night time when Elena descends down the steps of Rebekah's front porch, wearing Caroline's dress. A limo drives up and she stops in her tracks when Stefan gets out with a bouquet. Elena's breath catches in her throat.

"I don't need a babysitter," Elena remarks snidely.

"Really? Because the last time I saw you, you snapped a waitress's spine."

Elena smirks, "It got you to stop your search for the cure, didn't it?"

Stefan shrugs. "It doesn't matter, I'm not here for you anyway."

Elena feels the green monster rear its ugly head but refuses to give in. She huffs and walks away but Damon speeds over to block her.

"I'm here to make sure you don't eat the prom queen." He offers up a wrist corsage. "May I?"

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