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Glancing down at the box of cookies, he found himself thinking about what if he had a beautiful family, what if he had a father who'd love him. He sighed and looked out of the window, observing the opulent mansion where opulence was present, but love was not.

He opened the door and thanked Uncle Sam.
Taehyung entered the house, greeted by the imposing presence of his stepmother. She scrutinized him with a cold gaze and questioned, "Where were you? You always disappear without a word."

He responded indifferently, "Just went out for a while."

Her eyes narrowed, sensing his detachment. "You better not bring any trouble into this house," she warned.

Ignoring her, Taehyung retreated to his room. As he sank into the solitude, memories of his past haunted him. He was only twelve when his world crumbled – his mother lost her life in a tragic accident. His father, burdened by grief, sought solace in another woman and remarried. However, the new woman in his life showed no interest in Taehyung, leaving him in the shadows of neglect.

His thoughts delved into the void of abandonment. He recalled days spent yearning for a father's love, craving a mother's care. But, the reality was starkly different. His father, consumed by his own grief and the demands of his new family, left Taehyung to navigate the complexities of adolescence alone.

In his room, surrounded by the muted ambiance, Taehyung reflected on the emotional void that persisted in his life. He often wondered if he was destined to traverse this journey alone, without the warmth of family. The echoing silence intensified his longing for a connection that had eluded him.

His stepmother's voice echoed outside his door as she remarked, "That boy – always lost in his own world. I don't understand why your father pampers him so much."

Taehyung overheard the conversation but remained impassive. The dynamics of the household were a constant reminder of his isolated existence.

As he stared out the window into the darkened night, he pondered the complex tapestry of his past. The scars of abandonment shaped him, fostering a guarded heart that seldom allowed others to penetrate his emotional fortress. The solitude in his room became both a sanctuary and a prison, shielding him from the external world that offered little solace.

The clock ticked away, marking the passing hours in the silent expanse of his room. Taehyung remained enveloped in contemplation, grappling with the echoes of his past that reverberated through the lonely corridors of his present.

 Taehyung remained enveloped in contemplation, grappling with the echoes of his past that reverberated through the lonely corridors of his present

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The sun painted a golden hue on the city as I embarked on a new day. After bidding farewell to my mom, I entered the college, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The usual hustle and bustle of students navigating through the corridors filled the air, creating a lively backdrop to the day.

As I strolled through the campus, my steps led me to Jungkook. There he was, standing near the entrance, his gaze lost in contemplation. I couldn't help but approach him, my curiosity piqued.

"Hey, Jungkook, what happened yesterday at the party? You disappeared so suddenly," I inquired, genuine concern etched on my face.

He turned to face me, those dark orbs reflecting a mix of emotions. "My little sister got sick. I had to leave urgently. Sorry for not telling you earlier," he explained with a sincere tone. Understanding his situation, I smiled reassuringly. Family always comes first.

As we parted ways to find our respective classes, the corridors echoed with the vibrant chatter of students. I entered the classroom, and there he was again, Taehyung. His bandaged hand caught my attention; it seemed like he hadn't changed the bandages from the previous night. Frowning, I took my seat.

The lecture progressed, an hour drifting away in the realm of academia. As the class dispersed, my eyes naturally sought him out. He was already looking at me, a gaze that sent shivers down my spine. I gulped, gathering the courage to approach him.

"Why haven't you changed the bandages?" I asked, concerned about his well-being. Ignoring my inquiry, he got up, slinging his bag over his shoulder. "I forgot," he replied curtly, leaving the classroom. I hastened my steps to catch up with him.

"Hey, wait!" I called out, but he continued walking. Finally stopping in front of the library, he warned me, "Stop following me." Undeterred, I insisted, "Let me treat it again."

He raised a skeptical brow, crossed his arms, and stepped closer, towering over me. "Aren't you getting too clingy with me, chubs?" he husked in that deep, alluring voice, his minty breath playing with my senses. Flustered, I pulled out the bandages and took a step back.

"N-no, it's just a favor for what you did for me last night," I stammered, hurriedly tending to his injured hand. I attempted to make a quick escape, but with a swift motion, he pulled me closer. My heart raced as he handed me the bandages.

"If you're doing something, then do it completely," he declared, pulling me even closer. Flustered, I blushed uncontrollably. His ability to make my heart race was perplexing. Despite his jerkish demeanor, there was an inexplicable allure that drew me closer to him, like a moth to a flame.

I finished wrapping the bandages, glancing up to find his warm gaze fixed on me. My hesitation was evident as I left his hand, ready to make a quick escape.

"I did what I wanted to. I'm going," I mumbled, trying to exit, but once again, he pulled me back. Inwardly cursing, I questioned why he had to do this repeatedly.

"Where do you think you're going?" he said, tugging me back and leaving me standing in front of him. I couldn't grasp the meaning behind his actions.

"W-what?" I asked, confusion evident in my voice.

"As I did you a favor last night, chubs, don't you think you have to do a favor for me too?" he smirked, leaving me bewildered.

Oh God, what was about to unfold now?

Oh God, what was about to unfold now?

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