The Weather Wasn't To Her Liking

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"What the fuck do you mean the show is cancelled?!" I look to Niall In disbelief as he chews nervously on his thumb nail  "It can't just be cancelled. This is a Madison Square Garden show, this is months and months of preparation, this is millions of dollars. How the fuck can it just be cancelled?!"

"Travis, all I know is the room was too warm, or too cold or too dry... I don't know exactly which but it sounds like the weather in the room wasn't to her liking so she pulled the plug"

"The weather in the room wasn't to her liking? Are you fuckin with me right now? Are you actually telling me we planned this, invested in this for over a god damn year and it's all going down the toilet because 'the weather in the room wasn't to Miss. Swifts liking?'" My Irish friend nods and I slam my hands down onto the steering wheel causing the horn to beep loudly and Niall to almost shoot through the sunroof.

"I'm about to have a breakdown, I'm about to lose my fuckin mind Niall. Calm me down, say something... anything before I get out of this car, walk to Madison Square Garden and show her what a real fuckin storm looks like" I bang my head on the steering wheel 3 times and then turn my head to observe Niall and await his words of Irish wisdom

"It's the quiet pigs that eat the meal?"

His eyes flash bright and his teeth brighter as he bounces on his seat like a child

"What the fuck are you talking about? And where the actual fuck did I find you??"



"The answer to both your questions actually"

I'm about ready to open the door and push him into the oncoming traffic unless he starts speaking sense

"It's the quiet pig that eats the meal, it's an Irish saying Travis, much like the early bird that catches the worm"

"Niall please, you know me well enough to know I don't work in riddles. Speak clearly or get the fuck out of my car" I pin him to his seat with a gaze more furious than I actually feel and I see him gulp and shift uncomfortably, well aware of how quickly and how dramatically I can lose my temper.

"We were supposed to grab her after the show right?"

"Yes, 10.25 pm exactly"

"Yes but the show is cancelled"


"Stay with me I'm getting to the point"

"Get there faster before I remove your nose hairs one by one"

He grabs hold of his nose and looks at me as though I just really offended him but then he clears his throat and continues " She's at the venue, she's waiting for her car, what if we pull up instead of her proper car, I usher her in with all my Irish charm, once in you use your getaway driver skills to zoom us and the little pot of gold out of the city, across the border and into the land of maple syrup. It's a version of the plan... it's just not the plan we worked day and night on for just over a year, the one we sweated blood over, but it's a plan when we don't really have any other plan"

I sit in silence, letting his words roll backwards and forwards through my mind.

Could we just rock up there and convince everyone we were her car? Her drivers? I look down at the black pants and shirt I'm wearing and don't see why the hell not

"The insider..."

"I'll text him, let him know the change of plan, make sure he has her where we need her when we need her there"

"I knew there was a reason I kept you around" I say whilst patting him on the head and then I grin when he closes his eyes like a puppy would, enjoying his masters praise. "Okay, you get on to your contact, I will get on to the home base and let them know the change of plan and make sure they have the kennel ready for when we bring the thoroughbred home and then let the games begin and let the money roll in"

I drop my sunglasses from my hair to the bridge of my nose as I manoeuvre quickly through the traffic with one target in mind Taylor Swift, the worlds most popular female artist, about to become the worlds most recognisable missing person.

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