A Telenovela Of This Whole Debarcle

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"A panic attack?!"

"Don't laugh at me"

"I will laugh at you it's fuckin hilarious, you got so scared of running away with me it gave you a panic attack, you're such a loser do you know that?"

"The thought of spending longer than 5 minutes with you is enough to give me a panic attack"

It's not my fault you lack stamina" I say with a wink and love the way he grinds his teeth together in irritation with me

"Fuck. You"

"Well you will be later" I wiggle my eyebrows and he huffs out a breath but he doesn't disagree with me "So what actually freaked you out so much that you pretty much passed out at your kitchen table?"

"Everything. All of it. Turning my back on my family when I know how desperate they are for money after they lost everything. Coming to New York, I mean am I staying with you or..."

"No offence Travis but I doubt you could afford New York rent"

"Thanks for that, you're a real bitch today do you know that?!" He stands up and heads for the door and I can tell I have gone too far so I jump up and grab his arm, pulling him around and then going straight for his face but he pushes me away and the rejection stings

"I'm sorry! But to be fair I'm a bitch every day"

"Well can you try not to be, for just one day or at least for 10 minutes"

"I can try, is that enough?"

He closes his eyes, hands on his hips and sighs and I snake my hands behind his neck and start peppering light kisses all over his throat and then cheeks

"That tickles" he complains and I pause before pressing my lips to his and his arms move from his hips to around my waist

"So when do we go?"


"To New York? My apartment?" He nods "And then we work it all out from there?" He nods again and I press another kiss to his lips

"It was a pretty lame thing to do" he finally admits and I start laughing uncontrollably, placing my head on his chest and enjoying his warmth and his smell

"I bet Niall almost peed his pants!"

"No he almost choked to death on a handful of cheese puffs he was inhaling at the time"

"How'd he take the news he wasn't coming? Travis' fingers start drawing shapes on the skin of my lower back and I know where this is going

"Pretty well" he kisses just behind my ear as his hands drop to my ass "Just for the record, we're going to keep doing this in New York right?"

"Arguing? Yes I would imagine so"

"And the sex?"

"It's the reason Niall doesn't get to come"

"As long as I get to cum that's all I care about" He dips his hands into the back of my pants and squeezes my ass "I can't wait to see you dressed up, make up, hair and then fuck you on an actual bed"

"Tell me when we leave again"

"We leave tonight. Just out the door into my car and we're gone"

My hands go to his chest and I can tell he's dreading what's coming

"That's my big escape?"

"Well it's not big but it's your escape"

"No. That's going to ruin the telenovela they're going to make about this whole debacle"


"It has to be more dramatic Travis, more drama, more guns or at least one gun. It's just going to be an anticlimax otherwise"

"Taylor, this is real life, it's not some stupid tv drama"

I drop my arms from his neck and his head drops to my shoulder

"Taylor" he drags the a out in a whine "baby... don't get mad"

"Too late. My legs are crossed until you get me a better escape plan"

"Taylor come on be sensible, this way no one gets hurt"

"I want an escape worthy of a telenovela and I want it tonight!" I drop down onto the cold basement floor and cross my legs, then my arms and watch as Travis' head drops to his chest

*1 more chapter to go

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