Buckle Up Babe It's Going To Be A Bumpy Ride

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"Caleb! Caleb!"

Why is that man never around when I need him???

"Yes Tay... Yes Miss. Swift?" He comes running into the room as though someone has given him an electric shock and I can't help but smile at the effect I have on him

"Oh nothing. I just like to know you are close at hand in case I suddenly need anything " he turns his back on me and huffs a breath into his very narrow chest "I can hear you rolling your eyes Caleb"

"Sorry Miss. Swift"

"Is my car here yet? I'm tired, I need to sleep"

"It's 1pm Miss. Swift, I only woke you up at 9."

"Do I look like I need a talking clock?! No. What I need is sleep, I'm tired and the car is taking too. Fuckin. Long!" I stomp my foot down onto the ground and my dog Eugene jumps in surprise "Oh I'm sorry Eugene Fitzherbert. Pass him to me Caleb!"

Caleb trots over to where I sit and picks the dog up from my feet and hands him to me. "Hello Eugene Fitzherbert, I'm sorry baby did mommy scare you?" I snuggle my face into his soft Pomeranian fur and then allow him to lick my face as Caleb watches on and screws up his face at our loving display

"Car for Miss. Taylor Swift" says a tall, overly tanned blond and I jump to my feet carrying only my baby and leave the 5 bags in Calebs capable hands

"Tell Donald I said hi" I wink at the carrot coloured woman and then skip down the hallway, stopping only briefly to make sure my 4 bodyguards are moving with me. Once satisfied that they are I make the short walk to the door I know my car will be parked outside.

As I approach it a young dirty blond headed man steps forward

"Miss. Swift your car awaits"

"Irish hu?" He nods proudly "Shame" I reply then push open the door and gasp in horror "what the actual fuck is this?!"

"Your car Miss. Swift"

"My car? My car?! I don't think so" I slam the door shut and plant a hand on my chest "I can't be seen in a car like that"

"With all due respect Miss. Swift..."

"No respectful sentence ever started 'with all due respect'"

"It's a Range Rover m'am"

"I know! Can you imagine sending a Range Rover for Taylor Swift?!" I peek another look outside and the slam the door again "And what colour is that?!"

"I don't know exactly, silver, metallic silver, grey..."

"Grey? Grey?!" I slap my hands over Eugenes ears "Oh Eugene Fitzherbert, you shouldn't have to hear this kind of talk"

"Can we get going please? We want to beat the traffic, we have a long journey ahead of us"

"Oh don't give me that bulls crap, it's a 30 minute drive to my hotel tops even in the worst of traffic"

"The car Miss. Swift..."

He moves as though he's about to touch me and I let out a scream

"I didn't touch her!" The dirty blond says to my security team holding his hands in the air and I see them watching the scene with interest before spotting Caleb with all my bags and disappearing off to help him.

Just as I'm about to launch into 100 reasons Taylor Swift can not be seen in a Grey Range Rover the door opens and a tall man in sunglasses stares down at the Irish guy and then me and then back to the Irish guy and it annoys me no end that his gaze didn't even pause on me, unless he didn't recognise me, which come on, is as likely as hens having teeth


"No" the blond lies at the exact same time I say 'yes'

"Loooots of problems" I inform him

"Such as?"

"Such as? Such as?!!! Is that the way you speak to me?"

"It's the way I speak to everyone. Is that a problem?"

"You're damn right it's a problem on a very long list of problems"

"Tell me only the problems that are preventing you from not wasting my time and getting into the car" he leans against the door and I know immediately that I hate this man, with his tallness and his and soft voice and his clothes that fit way too well for a man that's probably earning a dollar an hour

"Well I'm glad you finally asked" I say but then the blond butts in and proceeds to have a conversation with the annoying man without me

"She doesn't like the car"

"She doesn't like my car?"

"She doesn't like the colour of your car "

"What the fuck's wrong with the colour of my car?!"

"I don't know but the dog was so offended it couldn't bare to listen, she had to cover its little fluffy doggy ears"

"The dog..."

"He's a he thank you not an it" I cut in but they completely ignore me

"She won't get in"

"Oh she will"

"No I won't" I inform them but they seem to hear only their own voices

"I don't have time for this"

"We don't" the blond agrees "No time at all, not with..." I think he's motioning towards Caleb and my team or maybe he has a tick, I can't tell

"Get in the car" the annoying guy says as he finally turns and acknowledges my presence

"I will not and watch the way you speak to me"

"Or else?"

"Or else I will have you fired. If you think for one second that piece of junk is going to carry me anywhere you have another thing coming"

"Oh it's not good enough to carry you. Did you hear that Niall?"

"I did hear that Travis"

"You know what is good enough to carry her though don't you?"

"A Mercedes!" I inform him but I have lost his attention again "A black one! Tinted windows are a must!"

"I do know, yes I do Travis"

"I am!" the annoying one announces as all of a sudden he bends down and throws me over his shoulder causing me to almost drop Eugene.

I'm too stunned by now being upside down to scream as the blond pushes open the door and the one carrying me runs to the car, opens the door and practically throws me inside. I try to shout, to make demands but both men are now sitting in the car, the doors are locking and the tyres are smoking as we pull away at top speed

"Nice to meet you Taylor" smirks the annoying talk guy "Buckle up babe, you're in for a bumpy ride"

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