The Miniscule Escape

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"I'm not coming am I Travis?"

"No. No you're not"

"It's because I don't have a vagina isn't it?"

"Well it was a mark against you I can't lie" I watch my friend trying to gage his reaction, whether he's genuinely hurt by my actions and by me choosing a girl I barely know and hardly like over him but he just goes back to snacking on his cheese puffs as though the conversation never happened

"I can still help with the great escape though can't I?"

"I'm thinking small escape Niall, in fact tiny escape, minuscule escape"

He looks at me with interest, his lips orange with cheese dust "I'm thinking we just let Taylor out of the basement tonight, I take my car and we drive down to New York. Escape done. No drama, no dramatics just, done!"

"Just like that?"

"Just like that"

"It's not very Bonny and Clyde though is it?"

"No it isn't. "

"Taylor wanted Bonnie and Clyde Travis"

"Taylor doesn't always get what she wants Niall" we both pause and he gives me a knowing look "Okay well Taylor isn't getting what she wants this time"

"She won't be happy"

"She's never happy"

"What are you actually going to do when you get to New York?" He asks whilst pushing another handful of cheese puffs into his very orange mouth with his very orange fingers

Well that is a very good fuckin question

What are we going to do?

What am I going to do?

"I don't know yet"

"Are you going to live with her or get a place of your own?" He asks through crunchy bites

"I don't know that either"

"How are you going to earn money to live, I've heard New York is super expensive"

"I don't know, what's with all the questions?"

"Well are you going to date her?"

"No! Fuck no!"

Wait a second... am I?

"Are you dating her now?"


Am I???

I need to think... to plan...

"I need a drink!" I announce pushing myself up from my chair "No, fuck then I won't be able to drive and there's no way that girl is driving my car"

"She'd crash it just to piss you off"

I sit down and tap my foot nervously, Nialls questions buzzing around my brain

What am I actually doing?

Am I actually going to run out on my family, taking Taylor and any hope of getting paid the ransom, with me?

Am I stupid enough to think I can make it in New York as an artist???

My pulse begins to race and I feel the blood draining from my face

"Are you okay Travis?"

"No" I managed to grunt as I pull the T-shirt away from my neck

"You've gone very pale and very sweaty, in fact you look a bit ill"

"I am ill Niall... I'm dying!" It's the last breath I can take before every part of me stops working, my brain, my breath, my heart, the room around me turns white and I'm gone

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