Rock, Paper, Scissors

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"I am never sharing a bed with you again!"

"Damn right you aren't!"

"You are the most selfish sleeper I have ever met"

"I am? You're the one that hogged the blankets all night"

"Well they are my blankets to hog, and you have a nerve complaining when your giant length arms and legs took up most of the bed!"

I can see Niall sitting at the kitchen table watching us in amusement as we continue our little pantomime, shaking his head and sipping at a bottle of water

"So you two'll not be sleeping together again then?" He asks with a chuckle

"She can take her chances with Josh in future"

"I'd rather sleep with Josh than sleep with you any day!" She yells and then slams the door shut as Niall is left alone in the kitchen and we are once again alone in the bedroom

"If you ever get bored of the criminal life you would make a great actor" Taylor smiles slyly as she slips he arms around my neck

"Well you weren't so bad yourself, how come you weren't that convincing when we made the ransom tape?" I slide my arms around her waist and begin nibbling her neck

"Well there was no reward for me from the ransom video, this time I get rewarded with kisses and I happen to like kisses" she kisses my lips lightly "Just so we're clear, I still hate you and you're still going to jail"

"Well if we get no ransom money I'm still going to kill you and bury you in my garden" I lift her up and she wraps her legs around my waist as we pick up the make out session where we left off last night. Yes it had ended in bed but no, it didn't become any more than just kissing, I might be a kidnapper and a criminal but I'm also a gentleman which means no nakedness on the first night.

Taylor on the other hand had different ideas and I spent most of the night trying to keep her hands out of my pants

"Incoming!" I hear Niall shout and I just about throw Taylor off of me as she lands hard on the bed

"Asshole!" She yells and I grin at how quickly she gets back into character "And I mean that, it's not an act!" She pushes herself up and I just have time to pull a hoody over my tank top when my brother comes strolling into the bedroom like he owns the place

"Still in the bedroom" he says to Taylor "Just as I like it. Treat me nicely and I might join you again tonight"

I bite back the urge to karate chop his throat instead I stomp past him "You're welcome to her"

"New plan" Says Josh as he follows me out of the bedroom and takes a seat at the kitchen table with Niall and I as I see Taylor come to stand in the doorway, our eyes meet and for a moment we are in a world of our own as my brother drones on about his new plan as though he's a modern day Che Guevara laying out his plans for guerrilla warfare

The sound of my name as Nialls head snaps to face me, his eyes wide and his hand clamped over his mouth tell me I've missed something and it's something fuckin huge that involves me and as Niall begins to chew on his fingernail I get the growing suspicion it's going to be something that I don't like one fuckin bit

"We'll call it Ransom Tape 2.0" says Josh and I drum a finger heavily on the table

"Repeat what you just said" I instruct him

"We'll call it..."

"Before that. The plan. Repeat it"

"New ransom tape. No dramatic diva. New demands and a new global star... you"


"Picture it now the big, bad hostage taker appears on  T.V threatening to murder and dismember the fragile singing sensation If they don't pay the money we are asking"

"Me? Why me?"

"You're bigger" Josh says as though it makes perfect sense

"You're badder!" I argue back

"I could do it" offers Niall

"You're Irish!" Josh and I say in unison and his head drops in disappointment

"I'm the oldest therefore I decide"

"Well let's ask dad!"

"DAD!!!!" We both yell at the same time

"Um, children..." Taylor says as she walks into the room "why don't we do the grown up thing?"

"Which is?" Asks Josh, never turning to look at her whilst I can't stop

"Rock, paper, scissors!" She says excitedly and rushes to take the final seat at the table

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