Chapter 1 : Initial situation

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The awakening was not brutal for his body but for his mind. Blind for some still obscure reason, his thoughts in disarray, it took him several seconds to grasp something of his situation. He was tied up in an unknown location. He had been kidnapped. Him. How could we? How dare anyone do such a thing to him? He would kill the person responsible, he would dismember them alive, after making them eat their genitals, whether male or female. Or both. Because even if he didn't recognize the smells present, he was certain that there was an omega not far from him. He didn't move further, even though he must have already betrayed himself when he returned to reality if one watched. He pulled on his bonds a little to get an idea of what it might look like. Handcuffs. And not just any handcuffs since he couldn't call his magic. For a moment, he almost panicked, no one having managed to control him to this extent. To the point of taking away his best weapon.

Lord Voldemort had never been at anyone's mercy.

And that was why he had reigned over the magical world of the United Kingdom for more than twenty years.

Straining his ears, he searched for the slightest sound that would indicate a presence, even the smallest whisper of a breath. But nothing. No more heartbeat. He had been captured and left alone on what must have been a bed. Voldemort couldn't tell at the moment if this was a good thing or if he was going to curse his attacker. He pulled on the chains holding the handcuffs, the ringing making him grit his teeth. Time for discretion. He forced himself to be calm, to be in control. It was all that had ever saved him. From this orphanage from which he had escaped to achieve greatness. He knew his abilities, he could find anything to make his opponents bend, to lead them to think like him. In fact, his silver tongue would come in handy. He would make his captors believe that everything would go well for them if they released him. And then he would strike fast and hard, like the snake he always was. So, with his confidence, he leaned more against the pillows propped up against his back. He was sitting pretty comfortably, despite the restrictions. The air was soft, Voldemort could even hear music now that he was relaxing, or seemed to be relaxing anyway. Chopin if he was not mistaken. A pianist in his spare time, he was an artist whose compositions he enjoyed playing.

Voldemort honestly didn't know how much longer he waited, with this feeling of relaxation. How he could feel so good despite the situation, he couldn't say. He didn't feel any fear, that must have helped. And then the smell of omega. He tried to smell every particle, as much to learn and recognize it as because he was intrigued. Voldemort couldn't imagine that an omega was nearby at this hour. Yet the scent never ceased to be in the air, as if it were installed in his apartments. Which wasn't common, any alpha was very protective of their omega. They were the jewels of their society, both by their rarity and by their power, much more subtle than that of the alphas. Their number had continued to decline over the last hundred years, increasingly worrying the population in every part of the globe. Voldemort had none himself. Useless, he did not want descendants and his immortality did not lead him to feelings. He would survive everyone so there was no need to create trouble who would have two arms, two legs, a cock, but probably not enough brains to understand the world he wanted to create for everyone.

And the door opened. There was no creak, although the sound of the latch reached him. Wherever he was, the place was well maintained. And that smell! It was the omega. Voldemort heard him humming the music as he approached the bed. He felt him pass not far away and a warm breeze passed over the skin of his arms and face. So we had just opened a window. Then they came to look at him. Despite himself, the smell of the omega made Voldemort's mouth water. It had been a while since he had listened to his alpha instincts and the idea of sinking into the wet and tight tunnel of a little omega... Oh yes, he really wanted it now. He blinked several times when the blindfold that had kept him in the dark was removed and met two eyes that looked like pure jewels. A delicate and fabulous emerald green all at once. Voldemort had difficulty studying the rest of the face of his kidnapper's possession. However, he loved every detail of her eyes, the fine cheekbones powdered with pink, the little nose covered with a few barely visible freckles, the lips a surprising deep pink, as if they had been chewed for hours and hours. hours. He didn't know which alpha had such an omega but once he killed him, he would be happy to keep him for himself for a while.

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