Chapter 2 : Analytical fuck

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Voldemort felt like he had become just a giant beating heart sporting a hard erection and a pair of overly full pouches. All because of one tiny, beautiful omega. It hadn't taken much for the trap to close completely on him. He could admit in his heart that he had already fallen to the bottom of the abyss when he looked into her unvarnished green eyes. Who admired him in a way that no one had ever contemplated him before. The omega was there, standing between his legs, as was his hard cock. Still no mockery, the young man didn't treat him like a weakling, probably because he isn't one. That he could have been captured was truly a miracle in his opinion, not the skill of his kidnapper. Kidnapper who was undressing under his nose. Making his mouth water. Each shirt button that opened revealed creamy skin, covered in a fine down of black hair. Despite himself, Voldemort could very well imagine himself licking this fine, barely perceptible fleece. Unless you are focused like him on the feast planted in front of him. The figure was not particularly muscular, rather normal in fact. Omegas tended to starve themselves to appear thin and fragile. Not this one. He spotted a few spots which reminded us that the young man surely had redheads in his lineage and then there, under the navel, the famous line of hairs which went down towards a place that he was going to see, like everything else.

Voldemort raised his head a little as the omega released his shoulders from the fabric. It even seemed to vanish into thin air, leaving his eager eyes with a good glimpse of two dark pink nipples, stretched out for him. Because even if he, Voldemort, had not planned to sleep with this omega, the omega had taken him away precisely to satisfy his desire for him. In his own right, Voldemort could certainly feel flattered. If he hadn't been so helpless at the moment. He noticed how tight his captor's pants were now, as if just looking at him was turning the young man on. The belt was untied with ease, Voldemort did not perceive any tremor in his small, slightly calloused hands. He could tell from having them on his chest earlier. His 'opponent' was difficult to read. By his way of speaking, we guessed he had a good education and at the same time, his physique blurred the lines a little. All he had to do was think of Scorpius Malfoy, the younger son of his supporter Lucius, to point out the differences. Scorpius was an omega always dressed to the nines, manicured to perfection. With hands so soft that Voldemort felt like he was holding soap when the young blond offered him a handshake. And having seen him naked once, when he had surprised Scorpius coming out of the swimming pool of the family mansion, he could say that he was of a finesse that went beyond good health. Having experienced hunger, Voldemort could not understand how one could deprive oneself of food to have this wasp-like waist that was useless for seducing him.

The pants fell, gravity's trick. Voldemort made the parallel again. Scorpius was shaved, not this omega. He thought it was better, there should be no shame in having hair. He noticed that his captor's gray boxers were soaked with liquid. The smell hit him like an anvil. The omega was almost mature, he would soon lose the few inhibitions he had left and just act on instinct.

-Since I want it to hurt, I didn't prepare myself. You might feel a little sore too.


Voldemort resisted pain very well, thanks to his childhood for that. His voice was hoarser, his instincts took over even more. And there was plenty. From tempting, this smell had become provocative. Voldemort bit his lips, he wanted to lick. Anything as long as something more happens, that he's finally active! He followed with his eyes a drop of wet which ran along the inside of the right thigh. She made her way through without difficulty but stopped at the knee. He wanted to lick her. He wanted to savor it. Something fell then, he saw the wet boxers on the beige bedspread. His heart accelerated again, it moved up along the ankle, the calf... A growl erupted from his chest as the omega was finally naked for him. He unconsciously pulled on the handcuffs, unable to see that the young man had blushed. The penis was of medium size pointing towards the sky, also dripping. Voldemort had this impression of being a thirsty person in the middle of the desert. Surprising when you knew that he had never wanted to suck one of his former partners. He forced himself to take a deep breath. There was no question of him doing it now. The omega advanced towards him while dropping to his knees between his thighs. The skin-to-skin contact made him flinch.

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