Chapter 7 : Battle Plans

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He ate his head in the fog. Harry had to leave in a hurry after they recognized the harm they had done to each other. Much to his dismay, even though he could have sniffed the omega as he wanted. He realized that he missed this perfume, he had breathed it so much during this heat that he felt a sort of itch to be deprived of it. Lucius was talking to him but Voldemort took the luxury of not listening to what he was saying. Whatever it was, it couldn't have been important as the blond knew he didn't like talking about urgent matters during meals. It never had a very good effect on his stomach. And let no one come and tell him that he was old, even as a child he had this problem. In addition to the poor food that the orphanage gave to the children at the time. He drank yet another glass of champagne, in truth, he had probably downed the bottle himself. He wasn't trying to get drunk, he just wanted or needed to feel lighter... Although it was absurd, alcohol certainly wouldn't give him what his body was craving.

He wanted to fuck.

More precisely, he, Lord Voldemort, undisputed sovereign of the magical United Kingdom - yes, he was contested by the idiots but not in person - alpha of his state wanted to fuck the only omega that he should not have wanted touch, Harry Potter, his worst weakness. The one and only weakness currently going gave him two more. A shiver ran down his spine and he put down his cutlery. Lucius stopped speaking, looking at him with some reserve. It had to be said that he must have looked like he had been struck by some kind of illumination. Voldemort now realized how much his existence was in danger. He wouldn't survive losing his magic, he didn't even know what would happen to his Horcruxes. There would be no reason for them to cease to exist, but what consequences would they have on him? Did he even want to think about it? He shuddered again and shook his head negatively. Of course not, he didn't want to imagine it. He was going to have to take care of the problem. The alpha in him growled: his omega couldn't be a problem. He wanted to slap his animal side: it wasn't their omega, they hadn't bound him!

But they should have.

-Milord? Are you OK ?

-Yes. You finished ?

He had to get back to the office and was embarking on a plan of action. Voldemort found it hard to believe what he was going to do and yet it was one of the best ways for him to save himself. And to save the omega who came out of the shadows without even realizing it. Lucius stammered a muffled 'yes' and Voldemort stood up without further delay. He put down a stack of galleons, paying more than necessary without paying attention and walked towards the exit, Lucius almost running after him. The Malfoys had to maintain their standing but with a master like him, that was not always easy for them. Voldemort didn't slow down for a moment, he didn't care about his underling's pride at this hour. He apparated straight into his office and froze when he saw someone who shouldn't be there. He raised an eyebrow as the young man in front of him continued to rummage through his paperwork, still carefully putting it back in its place. Which suggested that it wasn't the first time. And Voldemort wouldn't have been able to spot it by smell, he was too used to smelling it around him. The intruder hadn't heard him, which didn't surprise him as he was good at making no noise while apparating. He crossed his arms waiting to be noticed. Or for Lucius to arrive, which his right arm would be sure to do as the search continued under his nose. He wouldn't have believed it until he saw it. Such a betrayal would not go unpunished and he was already thinking about how to make such a mistake pay.


Lucius threw open the door to the room, slightly out of breath. His eyes widened when he saw his boss in front of his desk instead of sitting behind it. And his youngest son, his hands on the papers of their Lord. No need for words, Lucius immediately understood the problem while Scorpius looked guilty and surprised at the same time. His Malfoy mask returned but too late. Voldemort gave a cruel smile.

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