Chapter 9 : Bad mood...

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It had been a month since their last interview. And Voldemort noticed something he refused to attribute to the fact that he hadn't seen the omega in all that time: he had the Cruciatus Curse easy. A little too easy. He couldn't stand the slightest annoyance at the moment and everyone was heading straight, very straight so as not to suffer his wrath, deserved or not. So alone in his office, Voldemort was in such a dark mood that he was trying to figure out what was wrong with him. The piece of furniture in front of him was completely empty, he didn't even want to see a single feather there. Just a kind of restful nothingness. So tempted that nothingness was so restful as it kept going around in circles in his own mind. He felt like he had too much skin, too much weight. He had no desire to see the rays of the sun. As if he had become some kind of depressed vampire. This drew a dry laugh from him as there was a knock on his door. His gaze narrowed with rage, he had expressly ordered that he not be disturbed. Yet, if a person wanted to be punished, why would he deny it. Voldemort drew his wand in one fluid motion and allowed entry to his lair. He almost froze when he saw who was there, in front of him.


His former right arm hid his damaged face with a hood but his magic was easily recognizable to Voldemort. He watched the Malfoy patriarch advance into the room with small steps, the door being closed by Lucius whose facial expression revealed all his concern for his father. Unnecessarily, Voldemort would have punished Lucius but not Abraxas. Not unless he actually deserves it. And that was probably what the blond who sat across from him was playing on. Abraxas pushed back his hood and they looked at each other in the flame of the only lit candle in the room. The walls remained dark, as if nothing existed around them.

-Milord. It would be absurd for me to ask you how you are doing.

Voldemort placed his wand on his desk. He didn't seem any less threatening but more in control.

-Indeed. Did you come from the mansion just to tell me this?

-No, my dear. Others tried to reach you but you turned a deaf ear. Augusta would however need to talk to you about certain incidents against omegas.

Voldemort didn't care at all as he knew that his omega had not experienced any problems... His omega? His omega?! A growl escaped him and Abraxas flinched slightly. The patriarch could take one or two Cruciatus Curses but he would certainly remain bedridden afterwards. And he was in no hurry to be, everyone could understand that.


-Why are you here, Abraxas?

The blond had a long hesitation and started. He had to defend his son. Lucius was doing his best and Abraxas knew there was nothing wrong with the work he was doing, he had checked it before coming. In fact, he was probably the only one who had a real idea of what was happening and he was in fact the only one who could act effectively. However, he still hesitated, despite the oppressive magic of his Lord whose patience was growing thinner and thinner. Even towards him, which said a lot more than one would think.

-I think you are in heat, Milord.

His Master's stuttering breathing surprised Abraxas who was so used to him being in control. For his part, Voldemort found it hard to believe what he had just heard. Him in heat? He had never been horny since his late teens! He had perfect control over his alpha side! It was therefore out of the question that he could be governed by his hormones! He took his wand again and pointed it at his former right arm to note that the latter had lowered his eyes, as if ready to be tortured. He did not lose his splendor, he showed both bravery and submission. Breathing shorter, his gaze still burning, Voldemort tried to analyze the thing even if he had great difficulty being objective when it came to himself. He was the best, that's why he was their King. And no, he was not a megalomaniac!

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