Chapter 6 : Ambivalent forgiveness

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He had known it even before receiving the letter. It had been like a caress to his soul. Voldemort felt like the Goddess Magia had blessed him. Knowing that he had not performed any ritual to deserve this and that it was the end of the third week... He nevertheless opened the mail. If the envelope had been nothing special, the letter itself surprised him. Of course, Harry was pregnant. The confirmation created a sort of pinch in him then a sort of relaxation. As if he had been holding his breath too and now that he was sure… It was absurd. He hadn't wanted this baby. He had never wanted children. Finally, to return to the parchment he held in his hands, what stunned him besides the assertion was the characters used to write it.

Harry Potter was Parseltongue and had written to him in Parselscript.

Voldemort didn't know what to think. This trait had never shown itself in the Potter line, as far as he knew. He wasn't even sure if the Slytherins had a direct link to the entire Peverell line. However, he had never had his family tree made by the goblins, not wanting to read his father's hated name on it. Maybe he should ask the omega to do it for him? This could be seen as a sort of compensation. Which could be refused to him very easily. Voldemort folded the parchment, a little irritated at the idea that he could be denied anything. That this omega could refuse in reality. The alpha part of her was still upset that the youngest had run away while she had been determined to fuck him all the same. Laughable, so laughable. This ambivalence that he had been carrying around for weeks now made him want to burn everything that annoyed him for even a few seconds.

Voldemort put the letter down and clasped his hands over it. What was he going to do? Was he even going to respond? The desire to be a cad hung in his face but he hadn't lied when he said he wanted to be there for the child. In fact, simply sending a 'message was received' hardly suited him. Few things suited him at the moment. Voldemort stood up, put the mail in one of his pockets. He needed to get some fresh air and since it was almost lunchtime, he might as well take advantage of it. He left his office, which caused Lucius to look up and then greet his boss as he was supposed to do.

-We go out.

Lucius showed surprise and Voldemort wondered if he would dare question him. Which was never recommended. He walked down the hall, pushing a Scorpius out of his way. The younger Malfoy was his father's secretary, so he had no particular reason to speak with him. Voldemort vaguely heard his right arm address the young man before striding towards him. They ended up in front of the Ministry Floo network and Voldemort grabbed some traveling powder which he threw into the fire before entering it. He looked at the blond before speaking.

-La Dame du Lac Restaurant.

The network carried him and he landed gracefully on the other side. He didn't even need to dust off his dress as he took his first steps into the hall of the Michelin-starred restaurant whose owner he knew intimately.

Until then, Voldemort had refrained from coming to the Mythological. Harry Potter's building. The building was well known by now and even across the Channel the place had its success, bringing loads of tourists back home. Which was good for their economy. He also allowed the construction of a second center in Scotland. A harpy greeted him very politely, without asking if he had a reservation. The King was not told whether or not he could sit wherever he wished in his kingdom, obviously. Once Lucius was near him, they were led to a table on the terraces. The view of London was surprising, the roofs were teeming with much more detail than he would have expected. Voldemort settled down, slipped his towel across his thighs.

-I thought you didn't like this place, Milord.

-Why that ?

-You had never been there before today. You sent me there for the opening.

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