Chapter 65 : POV Harry 13

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Harry had known that it wouldn't happen without pain, but even though we knew, experiencing it was something else. He tried to breathe as deeply as possible while squeezing his husband's hand tightly, who had the good sense not to tell him that he was hurting him. In any case, in the bond, his suffering due to the contractions was much stronger and more visible than that which Thomas could have at this time. His cheeks reddened by the efforts his body was making, Harry tried in vain to hold on to other things. At the moment, the contractions were still too far apart for it to really be time to push. Still, the desire was there and he gritted his teeth when the mediwitch emptied his bladder with a wave of his wand. The glare followed but Greengrass had the good sense not to look him in the eyes, instead focusing on Harry's distended stomach.

-Very good, everything looks good on their side, they are agitated but they are also preparing to go down… Hm, it seems that your son wants to go out first.

Harry just nodded. He would like to be happy that his children would soon be within range, but it was complicated in this situation. In fact, all his emotions were mixed up in his head and with the link, Thomas's didn't help him sort it out at all. He opened his mouth to ask for an approximate time, however what escaped him was a gasp of pain. He repressed the groan that had wanted to follow, too proud to make such a sound heard as long as he could refrain from it. There was a knock on the door and it was opened ajar to declare:

-Majesties, Lord Malfoy is here as well as Sir Crouch.

Harry already guessed why. Even if the news had spread, it was their duty to make a very official announcement. The pain subsided a little and he was able to rest his head against the pillows. Thomas looked at him questioningly, pushing back his locks again. Harry swallowed slowly and muttered in a slightly hoarse voice.

-Let them come in. Just cover me.

His modesty demanded it. Let the mediwitch and caregivers see it, of course. But members of the Inner Circle? Oh no, definitely not. Thomas obeyed in all cases, even making sure that the sheets would not slip as the Greengrass left, affirming that he would return in the next quarter of an hour. Harry doubted that all other pregnant people were entitled to the same preferential treatment but he was the prince consort, of course he would be given more deference. He was trying to find a more comfortable position... But clearly, comfort wouldn't be there right away as Lucius and Barty took a few steps into the room without getting too close.

-Your Majesties… This is for the press release…

-Because it was so difficult for you to do it without us?

Thomas tried his best to appear calm but Harry knew how much he fluctuated between pure panic and cold, rational thinking like right now. He gave a faint smile and huffed with some amusement.

-They want to make sure we don't get upset later, I would say.


-And also see if I'm okay. Because you are worried.

Harry turned his head towards the two who looked a little embarrassed. So transparent for once but Harry could understand them. Many things could go wrong with childbirth and he knew that everyone feared his possible death and/or those of the little ones. Although Thomas seemed strong, it would not be certain that he could tolerate such a thing and his sadistic and heartless dark mage side could then so quickly resurface. It was for everyone's sake that whatever happened in that room had to go well. Harry hoped he had prayed and honored the Goddesses enough for that. He had always been pious anyway, it didn't just date back to the beginning of this incredible life adventure with his alpha.

-As you see, it's okay. My water broke and the babies are really getting ready to come out. No heart problems for them, as for me, no complications announced for the moment. You can also confirm that we already have the children's names and that they will be revealed when they are born.

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