Chapter 4 : Abrupt ending

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When he awoke once again, Voldemort was able to lay eyes on a heavily sleeping omega. He stood up slowly, so as not to wake the young man as much as their instincts. It was difficult for him to move, his body was filled with delicious relaxation, a kind he had never experienced before. It had to be said that usually, he always had one reason or another to feel stressed. Currently, the rest of the world was out of this room and Voldemort could only think about the purpose of the heat. As quietly as possible, he slipped out of bed and headed to the bathroom. He turned on the sink faucet and splashed water on his face several times. He didn't try to push away the well-being that persisted in his limbs, far from it, but he didn't like this feeling of not being fully awake. As if he was dreaming. He refused that everything that was happening here could be an illusion of his mind. And he knew that wasn't the case. However... It would be nice if this moment outside of his usual life was like a kind of dream. A comfort to keep in the face of the difficulties he sometimes faced. As with other countries who did not like the domination he exercised in his homeland.

Turning off the tap, Voldemort raised his head to look at himself in the mirror. He was not delighted, so much so that he escaped the possible sarcastic remarks that he would not have liked to hear. He found himself looking particularly saucy. And well fucked. It was funny, he had a healthier complexion as he exhausted himself giving orgasm after orgasm to an omega who had forced his hand. And who must now be pregnant with him. The thought put a pressure on his stomach. He was going to be a father. If he allowed himself to be. Harry had told him that he didn't ask for anything more than his seed during her heat. Voldemort clenched his fists and saw the anti-magic cuffs on his wrists. Even at the height of the heat, he had not been able to convince the youngest to take them off him. He rubbed the metal of one and sighed. It was almost over. Surely this evening he would finally be back at the ministry. What had happened while he was gone? Lucius had better not have thought he wasn't coming back. He knew that the blond was capable of taking things that he thought should be his. Especially if it was power. More than once, Voldemort had had to put him in his place. He wouldn't hesitate to do it again.

A moan was heard in the room. Voldemort restrained himself from turning his head towards the door, noting that he definitely had no marks. Harry didn't leave anything on him. And yet, he felt invaded. He ran his hand through his hair, disciplining it a little before a figure appeared near him. The omega had messy hair and looked decidedly too appetizing for Voldemort's mental well-being. Covered with bite marks and claw marks, as well as bruises, the youngest was literally beaming. And this even though it was full of fluid which was slowly flowing down his thigh. Voldemort heard himself growl. The alpha didn't like seeing his seed escape like that, it had to stay where it was. And do what she was meant to do. With the smell of heat, it was impossible to know if Harry was really pregnant. It won't be known until about three weeks, not before. The omega kissed his arm, with a disturbing tenderness.

-It's almost done.

-You seem more than coherent, like me.

-One last time after the shower and breakfast.

-You still think I'm going to obey you.

Something he didn't do. Voldemort had proven it. Or at least, he wanted to convince himself that he had. Harry placed a hand on his chest, so gentle that he didn't know how to step back. He wouldn't have thought he was eager for such positive contact and yet... The omega had taught him a lot of things about himself during these four days of heat.

-You can put a cap on me then…

Voldemort winced. It seemed like Harry was reading his mind. But it was also more likely that he wanted to be sure that his womb would take whatever it took to round out an unborn baby. So he pushed the omega towards the shower and Harry happily opened the valves so they could clean themselves. Voldemort of course took care of himself, leaving the youngest to fend for himself. He was more than capable of it now. It was when he came out of the cabin that he noticed the air of Chopin in the room. One of his favorites. He returned to the room without waiting for the omega to appreciate the air. The window was open, the air had been renewed, the sheets changed. Voldemort clenched his fists, in a crouch. On the one hand, it was good that he was no longer drowned by their joint pheromones. On the other hand, he had come to appreciate what their two intertwined smells gave. Breakfast was waiting on the table on the terrace and he found himself feeling a certain nostalgia.

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