Toy Drive

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"This town is so cute" Emma squeaked. "Yes it is" May said as the older teens help set up the bakery booth. "So what's with the booths and stuff?" Zane asked. "Well every year a week before Christmas we host a toy drive for children who are less fortunate and in childrens hospitals." May explains. "That's so awesome. What's with the stage?" Ivy asked. "Oh that's our live performance this year is suppose to be a popular Christmas band." "I wonder if it's Carol Bell?" Ash said. "That's exactly who it is" May beemed. "Nice" the older teens said. "Hey kids you mind going to the store for a few things for the booth?" Shadow asked. "Sure" they said. "Ok here's a list of what we need. And please hurry everything is going to start soon" Daisy smiled. "Ok mom" Ivy said. The teens walk to the store and grab a cart from the outside rack. Once they walked in the locals looked at them with judgment. They walk through the store that seemed to quiet when they walk down the isles. They even noticed the employees watching them closely as they place items in the cart to insure they weren't shoplifting. How did they come to that conclusion? When Zane pulled something off the shelf and pressed the item near his coat and a employee started walking to them but stopped to see that he was moving it in his hand to read the label then puts it back. "I don't think I felt so uncomfortable and unwelcome in my life" Bonestine said and it was loud enough for the employees to hear along with other locals they walked passed. They walked to the register where the cashier was a little scared of them. "How are you today?" Ivy asked kindly shocking him. "I'm good" he replied and rang up all the items. "That'll be $90.68." "Ok" zapella pulls out her card and ID When the cashier looks his eyes widen. "You guys have a wonderful day and I love your music" he smiled. "Thanks want an autograph?" Ash smiled. "Yes!" The cashier grabs his shirt that had the bands logo on it he would've changed into after work and a fabric sharpie. The teen signed it and took a picture with him. "Thank you guys so much! You really are the nice people in person!" He said and it shocked the locals. "Well yeah why would  be rude and heartless to our fans? It's because of awesome fans like you is why we do what we do." Zane said and the cashier smiles more. "You really made my day merry Christmas." "Merry Christmas" they said and leave the store. They walked over to the booth and give their parents the items and help finish the set up. As they finished they suddenly heard someone stomping past them. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WONT COME NOW?! WE ALREADY PAID YOU THE AGREED AMOUNT MRS. BELLS!!!!" The woman with long dark brown hair in a white coat shouted. "YOU WANT HOW MUCH MORE?!" She continued. "WE CANT AFFORD THAT!!!............. HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST WE TAKE THE MONEY FROM THE DONATIONS! ITS FOR CHILDREN!!!......... KNOW WHAT FOR GET ITNYOU HEARTLESS CELEBRITY!!!!" The woman hangs up. "Mom what happened?" A girl around nineteen years old asked. "You were right and now we got no singer to do the toy drive for the town and your podcast. I'm sorry..." the woman said. "You guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Emma smiled and the teens nod them walk up. "Hey sorry we couldn't help but overhear your predicament and would like to help." Zapella said. "Omg it's the da—" "sorry I don't think I want this drive to be sponsored by people like you." The woman said looking at the gothic teenagers. "Mom it's the Dark Descendants! They're ultra famous!" The girl said. "That and we really want to help the kiddos." Ivy said. "Your band name doesn't even scream Christmas so I'm sorry." "Mom let them perform I know we will get far more money for the kids than with Carol Bells." "Even if I did agree we can't pay them" "No need to pay us we want to do it for free and have all the money go towards the children." Bonestine said. "Fine but no instruments if you don't get a single donation after one song you're out." She said. "Ok deal" the teens said. "I can't believe I got this desperate." She muttered walking away. "What should we sing first?" Zane asked meanwhile the girl starts her live podcast. "Hello my spells we got an amazing update for you guys! So Carol Bells refused to do her performance for the drive we already paid her for and wanted to take more money by having us pay her with the donations to get paid! Talk about a horrible person especially around the holidays. Yet like a Christmas miracle we got the dark descendants in town who are doing it for the sake of the cause and not wanting any money from this! That's true hearts of the cause!" She said as the teens walk up on stage. "So please send in your donations!" She said and then points her camera to the teens. Once they started singing in harmony to Mary did you know the town gathered to see who was behind the lovely voices. Their parents watch smiling proudly at them. At the farm house Claire sees the podcast and switches it on the smart tv for everyone to watch. The teen podcaster smiled and showed her mother all the donations pouring in and her jaw drops. The podcaster gives them the thumbs up and they switch to a new song. By the third song (god red ye merry gentlemen) they had everyone clapped towards the end. "Hey!" They sung and the town clapped and cheered as toys over filled the bin. They go to walk off the stage when the woman stops them. "Please continue and you can use the instruments. I'm sorry for judging you." She said. "It's ok but you really do need to learn to never judge a book by its cover. We may dress all dark and gothic because well it's a style we like but we are kind hearted and good teens." Zapella said. "I see that now please can you continue?" She asked. "It's for charity right? Of course" Bonestine smiled. The town cheered as they grabbed the instruments on stage and start playing Underneath the Tree.

"Look like they saved the toy drive"

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