chapter 5.

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I turn around and see a tall man leaning on my chair. He has dark brown hair and a blue suit which compliments his complexion well.

"No I guess not." I mumbled taking a sip of my drink.

"Well I think you just don't have a dancing partner," he sighs and stands up straight placing down the drinking he was holding and reaches out a hand, "Im Wilbur."

"Im Y/n." And with that he grabs my hand and whisks me away to the dance floor as I aggressively set down my drink onto a tray a man is holding. He puts his hand on my waist and raises our conjoined hands, taking me into a waltz.

"Are you new around here?" He questions, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Not really...just decided to take a vacation."

"Strange, most people don't come here, its a small place I would say."

"Well when you are a wanderer a small place is bigger than you can think."

He grins and spins me, my dress flowing outwards like a flower being twirled. I feel his hand let go as I spin but someone else's hand replaces his. They have rough large hands and they stop the twirl dragging me back into a waltz. I look up at them and they have their face covered with a masquerade mask. It's red with a black lace framing and some gems. It's beautiful but why?

"Hello there." He grins.


"Im Techno."

"Im Y/n".

"Oh yes I know, I saw your big entrance, you are the talk of the town right now."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No it just means you'll be constantly watched which isn't good if there is a vile sticking out of your hair." My face drops immediately, this can't be happening. He laughs and leads me off the dance floor and down a green hallway. I glide my fingers over my hair and try to find the vile. I feel his hand reach over mine and pull it away, "unless you want your hair undone, which I'm sure you don't, let me handle this." His hand pushes in the vile and it's gone from sight. I sigh in relief.

"What's in that vile or would I rather not know." He smirks.

"I think you'd rather not know."

He looks down at my hand and he doesn't look away. I look down too and see my cut is exposed, oh shit. I throw my other hand over it and look at him, I really look at him and his red eyes..wait- red eyes. Oh shit.

"You're that asshole who gave me this cut!" I whisper shout at him and step closer.

"You're the one that stalked me and followed me into the forest, what did you think would happen sweetheart?" He says standing his ground as I look up at him. A pink blush crosses over my face.

"You didn't have to cut my hand and chase me!"

"And you didn't have to follow me, isn't that funny how things work out."

My eyes dance across his features and I notice his ear, the earring! Ha, I found it, I just need to grab it, but I can't make it obvious. I lightly touch my face and start to breath harder. His face twitches with confusion and he looks around. I make my body go almost limp and stubble around falling slightly backwards. He reaches out for my arm as I slightly close my eyes. I continue to fall and stumble backwards until he falls with me into the wall. His hand holding him up against the wall and his other arm around my waist holding some of my weight. I quicken my breathing and start to act slightly frantic.

"Y/n?" He looks over my face with widened eyes. Perfect. I start to move and he struggles to hold my weight. I lunge forward and reach my hand to grab his earring but he's too quick and pulls his hand away from the wall grabbing my hand away and grabbing my other hand, he puts my hands in his up against the wall above my head. He smirks, "you aren't that fast sweetheart."

"Technoooooo! Tech- EW TECHNO WHAT THE FUCK!" A blonde boy screams- wait is that the boy who bet I was dead?

"Ew Techno get a room! Wait- Y/N?! What are you doing here?!"

Techno drops my hands and my waist and I slightly fall, my knees feeling a bit weak.

"Hi..." I awkwardly wave.

"Why are you hooking up with my brother?!" He squeaked, his voice breaking with age.

"She's not and even if she was it wouldn't be any of your business. What did you need?" He states.

"Okay then," he huffs, "Dad wants you to the balcony now for an announcement." He crosses his arms over his red and white suit while rolling his eyes.

Techno nods and dusts off his suit jacket and glances at me blandly and leaves with the boy.

I make sure my hair is where it should me and look down at my cut. Its still red but more of a pink, its visible and will scar soon.

I slightly pick up the front of my dress and walk forward towards the ballroom dropping the dress as it moves with me. I spot Niki and Iver and walk over to them silently moving to the side of Niki. Trumpets sound from the balcony and everyone looks up.

A man with shoulder length blonde hair steps out in a green suit. He has a large gold crown with emeralds adorning it. He looks kind and wise, he looks like a true king. "Hello! Citizens of Marren welcome to the first ball in a century!," everyone cheers and smiles, "this ball is held to introduce the heir of the throne and my son who has not had his first appearance. Lets welcome him with respect and kindness, and I know present, prince Technoblade!" He smiles and gestures to the the right of where he stand in front of his throne.

The man from just a few minutes ago steps out, "Fuck," I whisper under my breath, this is going to be hard.

Technoblade stands in front of his throne and looks out at everyone with no expression. The people whisper and mutter amongst themselves, some good, some bad. The king nods to Technoblade and he sits, his smaller gold crown shining in the ballroom lights.

"Thank you, now for my son Wilbur who has been an active member in the village and a friend to all!" Wilbur- what the fuck, am I just meeting all the damn princes tonight?! Wilbur walks out with a large grin and waves to the people, mostly women gushing over his looks, which they aren't wrong for. If I weren't here for the earring I would be gushing too. He picks up his silver crown from his thorne and puts it on his head.

"Lastly my youngest son Tommy who you may have seen around meadow's and the villages candy shops!" The King smiles. Tommy- okay now what the actual fuck, Im suppose to be undercover how have I met all three of the princes in the last twenty four hours.

Tommy steps out laughing and plops down in his seat his smaller gold crown slipping off his head.

The King smiles watching his sons and takes a deep breath, "Thank you all for attending, it means a lot to our family. Please enjoy the festivities, music, food, dance, and drinks; but most of all, enjoy the people. Thank you!" He raises his hands and smiles at everyone while they clap. He looks nice. It's a shame that I have to steal from his son.

1298 words

Reading through this, I'm very proud of my writing and how far its come

Is there anything you guys are hoping to see or thoughts?

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