Chapter One

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I can feel the fresh air around me as I sit on the balcony. The sky more bluer than ever, with white clouds running around like they were trying to catch each other. I swiftly wave my black scarf around everywhere and I like it. I like the nature. I want to feel the bright sun on me as the air goes beside my cheeks. Feeling it is the most beautiful thing I've ever felt. I also like the rain. I want to dance around when fresh and cold water drops touch my warm skin. But I can't! I catch cold easily. So dancing around in the rain is not a good idea. But still I love it.Hearing the birds singing around and chasing each other gets me thinking about where I lived before – San Jose. There are so many places to see there and that's what I loved about it. But along with the good memories, the bad ones and sometimes the worst ones sneek into them.

When I was a child, I used to play a lot. The others used to get tired pretty soon (according to me at least). I have a sister (Jules) and two brothers( Sam and George). I am the youngest one. Jules is a year and a half older than me. Jules moved to Georgia from there. I was left there all alone with my two violent brothers, an addicted mother and a protective father. Sam and George used to fight all the time, most of them were very much intense. Me growing up, most of the time I watched them fight, my father getting hurt while stopping them and my mother who didn't give a damn about anything, lying in a corner, smoking pods. This is one of the reasons Jules wanted to get out of here. My family and this part of my life, has a long history and I want to and hope to forget about it as long as possible because it connects me to someone whom I'd rather forget.

Like I said, I used to play a lot when I was a child. My mother actually thought it was like a disease. I didn't like staying at home. It was boring to me, even sleeping. Staying at home with all that drama going on, I just wanted to stay out all the time. But I couldn't! I had to come home, for my father. In my childhood, I literally liked everything, even school. Because with all that negative energy inside the house, made me see the positiveness, the goodness outside.

If I go back to my older self, could I ever imagine myself in here? In LA, my favourite place now? After all of that struggle it's strange isn't it? Would you have ever imagined yourself where you are now, a few years back? It is sometimes difficult to even think about it, isn't it? I think about my old days as I close my eyes in the bright sunlight.

My life wasn't always like this. This happy. I had to go through many things, many struggles and even heartbreaks. And I wasn't always this free. I had courage and strength because of my father. He was my best friend. But after he passed away, my life changed forever!

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