Chapter Nine

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After the lunch, I stand in the corridor, mind reeling.

I am seventeen years old, and I don't know what is right or what is wrong yet. I enter the classroom, my mind far from clear, my focused plan now a blur in my mind. I don't even know what the right thing is anymore. Me, who is always so sure about uncertain things. My black and white is now fuzzy and grey.

I scan the room for Art, knowing that he probably forgot about everything, everything about us. I know it isn't right. I don't see him and relieved that he is not here. Why is he doing this? Ignoring me. He doesn't want to bring up the past, then alright, I won't bring it up. But he is probably showing off to make me jealous. What will he gain from this? Torturing me like this?

I somehow managed to ignore everyone in the class all day. I don't want to see his face. I don't ever want to talk to him or see him, ever again! I need to get my mind off these thing. So, I go through my journal which has my twisted story in it. Reading it, my legs started shaking so much, they buckle beneath me.

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