chapter 15

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it had been a day since the incident and id grown quite a bond with bradys mom. i just told my dad i was on a school trip and wont be home until he's gone. he didn't give a fuck. dylan said he was staying with his old friend tristan as well.

so far, brady gave up his bed for me and was sleeping on the couch in his room. i told him he can take the bed but he insisted on me having the comfort instead of him. it was sweet.

"oh lilah, hon!" ms noon caught my attention as i was walking downstairs. i look up and smile. "hi ms noon!" i say and walk over to her. "how did you sleep? i hope brady doesn't snore." she was stirring some sort of dough. "oh no he doesn't. and i slept alright. thank you again for letting me stay." i tell her. she nods.

"of course! i'm so sorry about your house by the way.." i awkwardly chuckle and thank her. "so, did you want to help me bake? i'm making cookies!" she asks and hands me the spoon. i nod. "yeah sure!" i politely take the spoon and start stirring the dough.

it didn't take us long to make them. i stirred and added ingredients, and she helped by moulding the cookies and placing them into the oven. by the time we were finished, it was about 6pm.

connor had his headset on and walked into the kitchen where me and ms noon was. he smiles and rummages through the pantry. "connie, i'm starting dinner! i would rather you not eat right now." ms noon says and smacks his hand, causing him to drop the packet of chips. "ouch- mom!" i chuckle and keep cutting up potatoes.

"may you and brady please set the table?" she asks politely. connor groans. "alright. BRADY!" he yells. "HANG ON! I'M DOING SOMETHING!" i hear him yell from the bedroom. "oh my days, stop yelling and go tell him properly!" ms noon says and shakes her head. connor puts his hands up in defence and goes to grab brady.

"oh lilah! thank you for cutting these up!" she tells me and places a hand on my back. "i owe it to you for letting me stay, ms noon. and i love helping anyways!" "no need to call me that, dear! it makes me feel old. please call me marissa!" that was my moms name. my smile kind of drops slightly. fortunately, she didn't see.

marissa had only known me for 2 days and was already acting like my mother. i was really starting to like her and see her as my own family as well.. and now that i know she has the exact same name as my mom, it brings me closer to both of them. she also smelt extremely nice! like fresh fields of flowers after it just rained.

marissa takes the knife softly out of my hand and pulls the chopping board closer to her. "you go take a break! you've done plenty." she smiles warmly at me. "are you sure? i really don't mind helping." "i'm sure! thank you so much, hon!" i smile and nod, exiting the kitchen.

i bump into bradys dad as i walk up the stairs. "oh hello again." he says firmly, yet nice. i smirk. "hi! sorry, i'll get out of your way." i say and move aside. he thanks me and walks past me. the two of us didn't really talk a lot. but i knew he didn't dislike me or anything. we just didn't share many interests like me and marissa do, so its hard to get along.

"el, your brothers on the phone." brady calls me. i run into his room and smile as he passes the phone. "hey, dyl." i say as brady exits the room. "hey sis. how are you?" he asks and i pause. "um i'll alright. what about you?" "yeah i'm good. have you heard from dad recently?" i was hoping he wouldn't bring him up.

"not since last time. why? have you?" "no, no. i was just checking that he wasn't like- i don't know. asking for money or something." i nod even though he cant see me. "are you going to school tomorrow?" he asked. "of course. nothing will keep me from getting a perfect attendance." i joke. i hear his soft chuckle.

"i can hear your sass from miles away, el." i laugh and then stop. "so why did you call?" i ask. "am i not aloud to speak to my little sister?" he jokes. "you are.. but like you wouldn't call unless its serious." "well i just wanted to say i'm sorry i wasn't there. i had no clue how bad dad was treating you. i just always thought he was being a nice tough on you." he pleads.

"you don't need to apologise, dyl. and this was the first time he's ever been.. aggressive on me. usually its just verbally so you don't need to worry. its not your fault." i assure him. he tales a long sigh and then speaks again. "okay this is going to sound very weird.. but i was kinda thinking about asking kennedy out on a date.." he tells me.

my jaw basically falls through the fall. "i knew it! you both are so in love!" i say and laugh. i hear his groan. "oh shut up! i'm only telling you for approval." "i'm just messing with you.. and of course you can! you two are perfect for each other." i tell him. we both continued talking for a while until he left.

i went downstairs and ate dinner with everybody, showered and got ready for bed. i didn't bring much clothes so i was borrowing a lot of bradys. i wore my grey bike shorts and white crop top. brady told me to just go into his closet whenever i was cold, but tonight was quite hot.

i was sitting on his bed and scrolling through instagram, just posting some things from today. i heard the shower head turn off but didn't bother to look up since i knew brady was in there. marissa brought up a plate of cookies that we made for me, bray and connor to eat. connor took a hand full and then fled to his room to play roblox again. i told him i'd join later.

brady opens the door and stem immediately pours from the bathroom. i shoot my head up only to see him standing in his towel. his hair was soaking wet and some parts were stuck to his forehead. i knew it was rude to look but my eyes shot down to his stomach. i wasn't surprised he had abs. after all he told me he has to work out for volleyball.

"lilah? can you please pass me my hoodie?" he asks. my eyes look up at him to see him smirking. "hm?" "my hoodie?" he repeats. i shake my head quickly and throw him the hoodie. "thanks." he says and chuckles, walking back into the bathroom.

i have no clue how i'm going to survive living with him for a whole week.

this was hard for me to write without smiling i wont lie.
WE LOVE MS NOON 😍 also idk her name so pretend its marissa 😊👆


𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫, B. NoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora