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After finishing the homework and praying asr,I decided to go home since I wanted to get home before it gets too dark, Ummi will get worried if I get home late.

Rania offered to accompany me at the bus stop while waiting for my ride, but I politely rejected her because I didn't want to waste her time, plus I am completely capable of waiting on my own.

I gave my salaam to my friends and went down to the bus stop; Hamza was picking me up.

It started raining by the time I got to the bus stop. I love the rain, it's so calming. Sometimes I get a sudden urge to just go stand in the middle of the road while it's raining, but I resisted it this time.

Hamza still isn't here yet, I decided to play a game on my phone while still waiting for him. While playing with my phone I noticed a little girl and a guy a bit older than me run to the bus stop I was at.

The little girl was soaking wet, she looked like was going to catch a cold.

Suddenly 'THUD!' The thunder hit, the little girl wrapped her tiny arms around me and was holding on to me for dear life, when she noticed that she was holding on to me, she quickly let go and muttered a Sorry.

"It's okay, I don't mind." I tell the little girl with a warm smile. "what's your name pretty lady?" The little girl asked, I felt my heart melt at the girl's words "My name is Zahirah, what's your name cutie?" I answered, I didn't want to leave the little one hanging.

"Farhana" She said, "What a beautiful name, just like the owner" I replied while patting the lights girl's head.

"Sorry, is she disturbing you" A deep and clear voice asked me, Upon Glancing at the guy, I realized that he was my so called 'crush.'

I could feel red in my cheeks as I said "no, no she isn't" it sounded whisper like, I lowered my gaze as i wasn't trying to get a sin.

"Aren't you the girl who bumped into me this morning?" He asked with an amused face. "Yeah, sorry about that" I replied with an apologetic voice.

The guy nodded and flashed me an understanding smile, I swear these two have the sweetest smiles, I was melting.

Just as I was trying not sin by thinking about the guy to much 'HONK!' Hamza honked signaling me to get into the car.

"Bye pretty lady! "The little girl waved at me; she thinks I'm pretty? Cute. "Bye cutie, I hope we bump into each other again" I told her while rushing into the car trying to not get wet since it was still raining. Suddenly Hamza rolled down his window and yelled.

"Yo,Imran! how ya doing my man, want a ride?" He asked, my mouth was wide open as I was so shocked, my brother knew him. How did he know him? Imran? I like the name; I've also heard it somewhere, but I can't seem to put my finger on it. "No, no it's okay" He replied, but my brother insisted, eventually the guy agreed. "Zirah, can you move to the back and sit with his little sister? "Hamza asked me.
I just nodded and moved to the back.

"Heyy,I guess we bumped into each other again "the little girl exclaimed while trying to get into the car "yeah we did" I said, helping her with the seatbelt.

"Thank you, Hamza," Imran thanked my brother, "no worries, so what are you doing here? I thought you lived in our neighborhood?" My brother asked him.
"I came to pick up Farhana, my uncle would usually pick her up, but he wasn't feeling good, so I offered to pick her up, I was going to order an Uber, but it started raining heavily, thank god you came". Imran explained. Hamza just gave an understanding smile to Imran and started to drive off. I have never seen this guy in my neighborhood, did he just move here? 

we arrived at our neighborhood and the car stopped right in front of Uncle Yusuff's house. Thats when it hit me, that was Imran Yusuff, the guy who I used to play with as a kid, along with his older sister, Zulaikha who was just 1 year older. That's why his name and face seemed so familiar, but the reason I couldn't recognize him is because he looked different, like in a good way, this guy had a major 'Glowup' just like those people on TikTok.

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