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                                                                         بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْم

Assalamualaikum everyone, I think you guys might have heard about the War going on in Palestine, Gaza. Let's take some time to make dua for Palestine and make dua for an immediate ceasefire.

O Allah, help and protect the people of Palestine. O Allah, ease their pain and suffering. O Allah, bestower of Mercy, bestow your mercy on them. O Allah, open people's hearts to give in this time of crisis.

اللهمّ أعن أهل فلسطين واحفظهم. اللهمّ خفف آلامهم ومعاناتهم. اللهم يا ذا الرحمة تغمدهم برحمتك. اللهم افتح قلوب الناس للعطاء في وقت الأزمة هذا.

May Allah grant all of the people who lost their lives due to the pure cruelty of Israel the highest rank in Jannatul Firdaus, Aameen Aameen Ya Rabbal Alaminn, Aameenn

Please keep them in your prayers, this war isn't over yet, so please keep Palestine and Gaza in your prayers.

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