chapter Two: A Strange Feeling

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I woke up the next morning to my mother's voice calling my name and saying, "Shawn, wake up. It's almost noon and you're still asleep." Come on, get up quickly, I want you to go to the post office.
By the way, we had a very small post office that almost only worked at Christmas. My mother told me that she would like to send a card and a gift to my aunt for Christmas. Ugh, I hate Christmas because it's the day my father died in a blizzard on his way home. Since then, I have hated Christmas and do not like the idea of celebrating it because it reminds me of my father's death. But I never knew that this year's Christmas would be so different and my life would change forever.
As I was on my way to the post office I saw that cart again. It was a distinctive carriage and the black horses that pulled it were also distinctive. Yes, he was that handsome young man from last night who was riding in the carriage, and when I saw him and my eyes fell into his eyes, his eyes sparkled with a red sparkle again. My heart started beating fast again. I never understood why my heart beats so hard every time I see him. I'm not that afraid or suspicious of him.
Suddenly the car stopped in front of me and this handsome young man got out. It was exactly like I saw it in the dream.
On the contrary, he was more beautiful and elegant in reality. In a sweet voice he ask me where you are going?
I told him that I was going to the post office,  he told me that he was going there too, he offered me to ride with him in the carriage to give me a ride. I hesitated a little, but I agreed and got into the carriage,  I sat next to him, and my heart still beating hard...
There was silence all the way. I wanted to tell him I saw him last night in my dream. But I couldn't and kept quiet. It wasn't long before we got to the post office. I got off the wagon and thanked him for the ride. And as I went to the post office to enter, He told me in a soft and sweet voice. I've never heard anything like it. Nice to see you yesterday and today too. I thought to myself, So he saw me yesterday, and without feeling I said loud. Did you really see me yesterday and it was windy and snowing. How? Unresponsive, he left me and entered the post office with a small envelope in his hand. I just kept thinking about it. Then I entered after him. I found everyone staring at him, fascinated by his beauty and elegance, some girls began to flirt with him. But he didn't pay any attention to them. he only looked at me. Until everyone in the office noticed it and they were also looking at me. I was embarrassed and my heart was racing. I told the post clerk I will come back later and  ran out to go home. And while I was on my way back, finally my heart calmed down and my beats went back to normal. Then Suddenly  his cart stops next to me again, and he offers to take me home  this time.But I refused because I was a little afraid of him this time. I was afraid of his looks, his eyes were so beautiful and scary at the same time. But he broke my fear by saying, Please let me get you home. He said it with a smile, he looked like an angel. I hesitated a little, but at the end I agreed and got on the cart. After I got up And the cart moved, he told me that he wanted to know me better. And his name is Jacob, 28 years old. He looked so handsome and so sweet. But his eyes There was something suspicious about them. That red Sparkle that emit doesn't comfort me. He told me that he lived in Austria and had moved here to the Caesar's palace and that his grandfather was the owner of the palace and that he's the one who built it. He is now his only heir and also told me that his parents are dead. And while I'm amazed and shocked by What he says , And how could he live in that dreadfully deserted mansion alone?
He said a weird sentence I've never forgotten. He said he moved here just for me. I didn't know what he meant by moving in for me.  I felt a little afraid after he said that. But his smile and his angelic face were enough to reassure me a little and calm me down. And I thought to myself, how could this beautiful face be accompanied by a bad person?
I told him my name is Shawn and Im 25 years old, but he interrupted me and said, I know it all. I know all about you. I didn't even have time to be surprised or  ask how he knew. Because the cart stopped and I found myself in front of my house. I got off the wagon before I closed the wagon door. He told me that he wanted to be my friend because he didn't know anyone in town and I was the first person to get to know him and talk to him. I thought for a while but then agreed to friendship with him because I also feel a mystery on his part that attracts me to him , makes me want to get to know him more and more and reveal his mystery. I said goodbye to him  and ran to get in the house and he also drove off in his cart until he disappeared into the bushes of the dense forest. But I don't know why, as an introverted person, I was strangely happy to have met him. What is this strange feeling?

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