The ending: mixture of happiness and sadness.

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Indeed, human is a pathetic being. He gets used to everything and adapts to anything. Yes, after a while I got used to this world. I got used to the world of demons, I got used to their shapes and voices, I got used to even their terrifying laughter. Sometimes I feel from their laughter as if they are mocking me.
Also, time here is completely different from human time.
While i had merely spent hours in the dark world of demons. I saw my mother in the mirror on the other side every day as she grew and aged at an incomprehensible speed. I saw how she spent her nights staying up late and crying over my inexplicable or unexplained disappearance. Until the moment I was afraid of came.
Yes, it was the moment my mother died.
I felt time stopped looking at my mother struggling with illness and sadness on her deathbed.
It made me feel broken in my heart, like all life had gotten dark after my mother left, regardless of whether it was the world of demons or my world.
There is nothing left to do.
But amid my grief, the demon king laughed. It's like he's mocking my sorrows.
Now I know why he didn't kill me at that moment. He's torturing me this way. He mocks my grief.
I didn't cry that day. Although Jacob was by my side, supporting me, strengthening me, and telling me that one day we would return to the human world.
But sadly, even those words don't affect me anymore. Because I no longer have anyone or anything to go back to the human world for.
This is my world now and I'm more accepting of my life now.
But the one bright side of all this is that Jacob was is always on my side.
A week after my mother died, according to the time in the demon world. Jacob told me that he had found a way for us to be freed from this cursed palace. And we move to another place, away from it and this whole town. Even if we are still in the world of darkness. But at least we will be away from all the disgusting demons. Somewhere where it's just me and Jacob.
I hesitated a little because I had not yet gotten over my mother's death,
so I told Jacob to let me think about it a little.
I don't know, but I feel like my soul will leave my body if I move away from my mother's burial place.
So during this period I decided to write this memoir. I ask whoever finds it to publish it so that all people know that love, feelings, happiness, and sadness are not limited only to the human race, but rather are characteristics shared by all creatures, even if they are demons.
And to know that love has a dark side and a bright side.
A dark face of oppression, injustice, tyranny, and deprivation of the right to choose. What does it mean for a demon to love a person? Is it a crime? Damn all the outdated rules and traditions that oppressed us and forced us to live a life that is not our own.
Doesn't every creature have the right to choose who he loves, whether he is of his own gender or of another gender? Or even of another kind.
The bright side of love is your relationship with those you love. Mutual unconditional love, tenderness, romance, holding on to the other, fighting for the partner, mutual trust, and willingness to sacrifice for the one you love.
As for me and my beloved Jacob, we triumphed through the strength of our will, determination, and love for each other. We even managed to defeat the Demon King. We broke his curse. One day we will break the curse once and for all.
As I write these last words, Jacob and I are preparing to leave. We will go to an empty place where there is only the two of us. No more hate and racism. No more injustice and oppression after today.
So I am happy and sad at the same time. I'm happy because I'm still with the love of my life, Jacob,
and I'm sad because I'll have to leave my mother alone again.
Do you want to know where we are going to live now?!
We will live in the shadows. We will live under the wings of darkness. To remember that even in the darkness there is a place for love. I have reached the end of my memoirs. I hope you will truly benefit from them and love each other and always remember that there is no curse more twisted than the curse of love.
All I wanted was to live in peace with my mother and the person who I love and who loves me back. Is this too much for me?!

Jacob's father thinks he cursed us and defeated us. But in fact, we are the ones who defeated him. We proved to him that our love is stronger than any curse.
Hey, someone is trying to enter the palace!?.
I will put the note here. I hope he finds it and publishes it. So that people can benefit from my experience. And maybe one day, Jacob and I will return to the human world. We will tell our story to the whole world. i have to go now.

See you someday.......

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