Chapter Five: The picture is starting to become clearer now

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I noticed that Jacob's behavior had begun to change recently. He has been missing a lot lately and no longer comes to my house as usual.
When he was gone for a long time, I could not stop myself from missing him. So I decided to go to the Palace to check on him. Maybe he was sick Or something happened to him.
I ignored all the thoughts in my head warning me not to go. and gathered my strength.
My love for Jacob was so strong that I would even risk myself for him.
The palace was outside the town near the mountain. Even the way to it was very scary, but I made up my mind and set off.
The trees surrounding the road were very scary. Since I entered the forest, I feel like I am being watched, but whenever I turn around, I find nothing.
It was like many eyes watching me and the sound of chuckles.
I arrived at the palace and found it very old, worn , and covered in spider webs.
It's appearance was very scary. I was very surprised how Jacob could live in such a place.
Before I put my hand on the door of the Grand Palace and knocked on it. The door open alone.
My fear of the place increased. I entered cautiously, calling out in a low, trembling voice with fear. Jacob, are you here? Are you well.?
I heard the sound of children laughing and quickly turned to the source of the sound, but I did not see anything.
I continued on my way, walking cautiously as I ascended the grand staircase that was in the middle of the palace hall.
I went upstairs and I was still calling. Jacob, are you okay?
I heard a voice moaning as if in pain from inside one of the rooms. Yeah, that's Jacob voice.
I rushed into the room and my heart was racing so fast I thought Jacob was very sick, but when I walked into the room, I was surprised.
I found dreadful black shadows that disappeared as I walked into the room and amid those dark shadows Jacob's body was shackled in fiery handcuffs that I had never seen before.
Jacob cries out in pain. He was bound with shackles the likes of which I had never seen before. It was made of fire.
I didn't care about all those shadows. I saw nothing but Jacob. I rushed to help him. But he shouted in a loud voice that I had never known in all our months together.
He screamed and said. Shawn, don't move one step. Leave immediately.
I Refused. But he screamed louder. Please leave now and I'll come to you later i promise. And i will explain everything to you. Don't ever come back here. 
Meanwhile, An anonymous laugh started to sound in the room. It is punctuated by jacob screaming at the top of his voice Run away, Shawn now.
I was so afraid. I ran out of the room to leave the palace. But when I got to the ladder, I've found strange creatures like the ones I've never seen in my life.
They were short, very black creatures with the same red sparkle in their eyes  as Jacob's. And they had a ferocious black dog in my way.
As soon as I thought of running, they ran after me. The sound of laughter is still in the palace. While I'm running away from these creatures.
Suddenly, it sounded like the roar of a hungry predator. it made those creatures that run after me flee and hide.
I took the chance and ran out as fast as I could and kept running as fast as I could Until I left the palace.
The sound of laughter still haunts me in the woods,
running until I get home.
I went straight up to my room and hid under the blanket like the kids do.
I'm shaking with terror. So is the scene that I saw Jacob in.
It's still engraved in my mind. My feelings were mixed between the horror I saw and Between Jacob who is tormented and I do not understand why or who is torturing him.
And I could not connect the things together. I still think that Jacob resided in a cursed palace haunted by ghosts and demons, and they were tormenting him because he broke into their place.
Darkness fell quickly and I was lost in thought.
I tried to escape to sleep to forget what happened today.
But I was wrong because I had a terrible nightmare that night. Even worse than what I saw in that cursed palace.
I dreamed of a burning beast, the fire was consuming him from all sides, but it did not seem to harm him.
He was huge, and his eyes looked like two pieces of embers. He approached me and held my neck with his burning hand.
I felt that my neck would melt from the intensity of the heat emanating from his hand.
He told me to stay away from his son or he would kill me and kill my mom.
suddenly i woke up from sleep, I found Myself drenched in sweat and my neck hurting in the same place where that creature was holding me in the dream.
I couldn't sleep after that because of the pain in my neck and My fear is that the same nightmare will happen again.
I stayed awake until daylight. thinking about the words of that creature that I saw in my dream.
Who does he mean by his son?
I don't know anyone but Jacob.?
Is it reasonable that....?
No, this is impossible. Jacob cannot be the son of this hideous creature.
I was talking to myself. Please, Jacob, come back quickly and tell me this is not true.
I can't believe this creature, he's lying to me.
I'll wait for Jacob to come and explain this to me. And  tells me this is just a dream.
All these thoughts were running around inside my head. And it drives me crazy.
Ohh I miss you, Jacob.
I said this With a sad voice as I looked out my small window at the desolate forest. Tears of sadness and pain fell down On my cheek

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