Characters, intro and whatever

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Y'all, not me starting another new book LMAO but like is it technically a new book if it's the same characters?

Anyways hi I'm back again, like you read in the description, this is a spin off of my first book, Our Little Brother. I've called it a spin off/one shots because while this story will be set years before OLB, and focus on Hunter, I might spice things up and add in some random one shots here and there, but this story takes place right when Hunter gets custody of all of them (if you read OLB, a reminder that he didn't get custody of everyone right away, also that Nick has custody too), which is why the one shots might be before he gets custody, and the boys are all in a home, reid in the hospital, the night of the crash, who knows

So let's get to it, the character descriptions will be mostly similar to them all now, however obviously they're younger. Some of the descriptions are gonna sound a lot more sad and depressy lol but I promise this book won't be all dark and gloomy!


19 years old, in his second year at of university, he is working to keep his family's business, while studying day and night, and caring for his little brothers. He's struggling, but tries to keep his cool, especially with the younger twins. Atlas however, likes to push his buttons and makes him want to scream.


18 years old, right out of high school, taking university courses here and there, helping with the boys at home, Nick takes over the kitchen duties, and at the office, he helps wherever he can. He has a short fuse, and tries not to yell at the boys, but little boys who don't seem to listen, make it hard.


17 years old, still in high school. A little immature, but really smart. He's sailing through his classes, and so he skips school often, while maintaining his honour roll status. He loves his brothers, but hates having to help take care of them, he just wants to be a normal teenager sometimes.


10 years old, in 5th grade, trying to make new routines, even though it's almost been a year since they lost their parents. Before they died, he had built puzzles with his mom, now he continuously builds and rebuilds the same puzzle over and over again to pass time, the last puzzle he built with her. He's quiet, and observant, and tries to help Hunter by calming Alex down when he's angry. He also tries to keep Alex and Spencer from fighting.


10 years old, in 5th grade (twins with Sebastian), angry about losing his parents and trying to manage it. Nick suggests getting him into sports, and Hunter tries him with every sport possible, it helps because Alex always has so much energy. He loves to be outside, and is very active. He's competitive, and loves to win. Hunter calls him bud.


9 years old, in a weird split of 3rd and 4th grade (he was hospitalized from the crash, and wasn't officially held back a grade, but is working on things for both grade levels.) he's still adjusting to his new medical conditions from the crash. His loss of hearing in one ear, and a hearing aid in the other, having to learn sign language, and still bed wetting even after almost a year. Hunter calls him bub.


9 years old, in 4th grade (Reid's twin). He's a rambunctious, loud and energetic kid, but hes angry and frustrated, he doesn't understand why his parents won't come home, and why he has to listen to Hunter now. He's angry and upset about school because he thinks he's not as smart as his brothers, even Reid who didn't go to school for months, but that's because he doesn't like to sit down and read like them, he'd rather be up and doing something. He loves to run, and takes any chance he can to be outside, even if he's just running in circles. The only way Hunter can get him to study, is if they go outside and Hunter quizzes him while Spencer jogs around. Hunter calls him kiddo.

I'm not gonna give a description on side characters like Nonna, Sophie(ew), Sarah, or any of the friends, but they'll pop in here and there lol. Anyways I know this book doesn't really include Noah, but the boys will talk about him every now and then, and I hope you all like it just as much!

May xx

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