Chapter 1

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We're skipping a prologue cause I can do whatever want 😂😂

Hunters POV:

Fuck. I'm so fucking screwed. Spencer didn't want to go to school day, Reid didn't want to get in the car, and Nick was late getting to the office because he had to help me get the four boys ready for school. Atlas couldn't be bothered and was already pissed off from last night when Spencer thought he could photocopy his jam sandwich, meaning Atlas couldn't print his homework and neither could I. Both of us needed to leave early to print things at school, and so he left as soon as he could've, ignoring the screams and cries. I'm now late to my lecture, with no essay printed. Fridays are the one day I need everyone not to be running late, but it's always a Friday when someone has a meltdown.

I slip into the back of my class, and quickly take my things out to take notes. An hour and a half goes by, and my first text is from Nick, asking about a client who's demanding to speak with me, apparently I'm late to our supposedly scheduled meeting. Wracking my brain, I try to remember who this client is that's claiming to have an appointment with me right now, since there's no way we'd have ever scheduled a meeting on a Friday morning. Most of my university classes are online, but I have one night class on Thursdays, and this class Friday mornings. Eventually I tell him to just have security get their information, and then lead them out of the building. He doesn't need people yelling at him for being so young, demanding to speak to the boss, because jokes on them, I'm only a year older, and if they didn't know that I'm the boss they're demanding to meet, then they clearly don't know who they supposedly had a meeting scheduled with.

When my class is over, I head over to my professor to let them know I've emailed a copy of my essay to them, and will be running to the library to print it out right now. "Don't worry about the hard copy Hunter, you know I'm cutting you some slack because of your situation, but you really need to start bringing in your assignments on time, an email won't always work." He sighs. "I know and I'm sorry about this, if you need to take marks off for late work I understand." I say, really hoping he doesn't. A few marks off won't hurt my grade, but I need to keep them high enough that the company doesn't riot against Nick and I taking over, they've already mentioned their dislike of Nick not going to university, and only taking a few select courses. "Nonsense, you emailed a copy last night, before the deadline so it's not late. We do however need to talk about the midterm coming up. It's going to be scheduled during our regular class time, but you can't be late. The doors will be locked as soon as the midterm starts, if you're not here on time, you'll be getting a zero. I can make all the exceptions in the world for assignments and projects, but I can't do that for the midterm." He explains and I nod. "I understand, thank you, really, for everything." I say gratefully. Before either of us could speak again, my phone starts buzzing.

It's the boys school calling, it's not even lunch time yet, what happened now? "I'm really sorry, I have to take this, are you sure you don't want a hard copy of my essay?" I ask, trying not to panic myself, the school could be calling for any reason, it doesn't always have to be a bad reason. "I'm sure, go on, it could be important." He says. Quickly, I say goodbye to my professor and answer the call. "Hi, is this Mr Parker?" The secretary says as I answer. "Hi, yes it is, is everything okay?" I ask, trying not to be rude, but I don't exactly want to do small talk right now, especially if something is wrong with one of the boys. "Everything's okay, we've just had a small incident with the boys." She says. Boys. Plural. God help me what did they do today?

"Reid's had a bit of an accident today, but doesn't have a change of clothes, he's lying down in the nurses office right now with Alex, but is asking for you to come get him. Alex has a few scrapes from pushing another boy from a younger grade than him, which is why he's with the nurse as well, though he claims he's okay to stay at school, but I'm afraid that even though he didn't get into fight, he can't stay the rest of the day today, it's the school policy for any kind of violence. Spencer had a little outburst in class, during math, and refused to do anymore class work, but he's calmed down a bit since then, he's just not very happy and asking for you to come get him too." She says and I hold back a groan. After all the chaos this morning, I forgot to make sure Reid was wearing a pull up. I was suppose to join Nick at the office, but the three of them would lose their mind being there all day, especially Spencer, he absolutely hates it here. Reid will be needing a bath, and Alex probably still has some pent up anger, so the office is looking like a no go. "Is Sebastian and Atlas okay?" I ask, putting on my jacket to head to the school. "Sebastian was a little distressed about Alex, and accompanied him to the nurse, once all of the scrapes were cleaned, he happily went back to class. Atlas is doing okay too, he had a short visit with Reid as well and soothed him enough to stop his cries. Are you able to come pick up the boys? Or should I call your other brother Nick?" She asks me. And I quietly sigh in relief that not I'm not bringing home all 5 of them right now. "I'm on my way right now, thank you for calling me." I say and start driving

It's short but it's a chapter! Lol I'm thinking like 90% of chapters will be in Hunters POV, he's gonna have a lot of one on one time with all the boys, so sometimes I might switch POV. Also, I know it jumps right in lol, which is why I mentioned I'd do one shots of their first year without their parents. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this book, and like seeing their attitudes and personalities when they're younger. Hunter is not as put together as he is at 25, because here in this book, at 19, he's still just a teenager

May xx

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