Chapter 7

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Hunters POV:

Once dinner is ready, the boys help me set the table, nine plates, and for some reason, every time I pick up two to take away from the table, one of them puts them right back. "Hunter you're being silly! We need nine plates so we can all eat dinner!" Reid tells me and I resist rolling my eyes. "Nicky and Sophie are going to eat in the kitchen, so we only need seven plates over here." I tell him, getting questions and comments from everyone.

"Why the fuck is she even still here? Can't you just kick her out?" -Atlas
"Good. I don't want to see her." -Sebastian
"They shouldn't get any of the mashed potatoes!" -Alex
"They're eating in the kitchen! Did you put them in the naughty chairs?" -Spencer
"Oh. Is it because I talked too much? Nicky wasn't happy when I talked." -Reid

"Language." I say directed at Atlas, giving him a look to knock it off, especially in front of the boys, he just holds his hands up in surrender before plopping into a seat at the table. "You guys, don't be so mean. Have I ever made any of you skip dinner if you were being naughty? No. So even if they're not sitting with us, they get to eat dinner, including the mashed potatoes." I say to all of them, but mostly Sebastian and Alex. "Eating in the kitchen, doesn't automatically mean naughty chairs okay, they're just eating in the kitchen tonight, that's all. Let's sit and eat now." I say mostly to Spencer and Reid, then gesturing everyone to sit. I purposely ignore Reid asking if he's talking too much because he's not going to believe me right now if I say otherwise after what Nick yelled at him.

"Kiddo you can't just eat mashed potatoes, eat some of the chicken too." I tell Spencer, who glares at me, shoving another spoon of mashed potatoes in his mouth. "Guess I'll just eat the chicken then." Bellamy says going to take the chicken off Spencer's plate. "No wait! It's mine!" Spencer says with a full mouth, covering his plate so Bellamy couldn't actually take it. "I'm done!" Alex pretty much yells, startling Atlas who's sat beside him. "You don't need to yell." Atlas grumbles, before taking up both his and Alex's plates. "Whose turn is it to wash dishes?" He asks. "Yours, and no I'm not trading days with you, but you can get a start on your cookies once you're done with the dishes. Thank Bell for pre making your cookie dough for you." I tell him. "Oh thank god! The cookies will actually taste good now!" He praises and I laugh. "Yeah only if you don't burn them." I say and he gives me the middle finger, going into the kitchen.

"Okay, baths and showers, and then into your jammies, then we can put on a movie, it's Sebastian's night to pick." I say, making the four boys run upstairs. Nick and I both call out to them to not run on the stairs. Bellamy and I get the rest of the plates and dishes from the table and bring them for Atlas to wash. He's glaring at Sophie, while Nick glares at him. "Seriously?" I ask them, and they turn their gazes to me. "What seriously? He asked why she was still here!" Nick says. "Well why is she? You guys are done eating are you not?" I say looking at the table with no dishes on it. "Are you fucking for real? Hunt it's Friday night, you're not serious that I take her home now!?" Nick complains. "I'm pretty sure you scarred the boys, they saw her naked in your bed, so yeah I'm serious, take her home." I say and Atlas snorts trying to hide his laugh. "That wasn't my fault they didn't listen! Did you even punish them for that?" He says and I sigh.

"There's been enough problems today, just take her home. She's just gonna rile them all up if she stays, and it's not like you won't be seeing her tomorrow." I say eating a bit of cookie dough. "Un-fucking-believable." Nick mutters, taking Sophie's hand. They leave through the garage, slamming the door on their way out. "You can come in now." Bellamy says looking at the door to the living room, where Spencer and Reid stick their heads in. "Thought I told you to take a shower, and you to get your jammies on." I say raising an eyebrow at them, to get their attention on me rather than the door that was just slammed shut.

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