Chapter 12

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Hunters POV:

"No Spencer, it's pouring outside, you can't go out to play." I say to him, for the tenth time this morning. "But I'll wear a coat!" He whines. "You always take your coat off." I point out to him and he angrily sighs crossing his arms. "Why don't you guys play in here?" I sigh, taking a sip of my much needed coffee. "But I want to play and hide seek!" He whines again, making me give him a look. "What exactly would you do if I did happen to let you play outside?" I ask him, crossing my arms. "Play hide and seek!" He tells me, and I close my eyes to make sure he doesn't see the eye roll I have coming. "Spencer! Spencer! Come play hide and seek!" Reid calls out, and Spencer grins, running off to play, inside. Exactly what he just said he didn't want to do.

Nick, Bellamy and I clean up breakfast while the boys and Eva play hide and seek, and Atlas and Mel are watching a movie. I almost have a heart attack when I walk into the pantry and see two beady little eyes watching me from under the shelves. Slowly I back out to not give away his hiding spot, only to be stopped. "Wait! I'm stuck!" Alex says and I snort, reaching down to pluck him out of there. "How did you even get down there?" I ask. "Oh I just climbed under like this." He says about to go back in the spot to show me, I quickly grab him to stop him. "It's a good spot right? And look, I even found cookies!" He says, taking a pack of chocolate chip cookies out of his pocket. "You literally just had breakfast." I say, holding my hand out for the cookies. "I'm a growing boy, I need snacks! And now I need to find a new spot to hide before Reid finds me!" He says rushing out of the pantry.

Sighing, I leave the pantry to find Nick looking in the cupboard under the sink. I swear to god— "What the hell are you doing in there?" Nick says. "Shh! I'm hiding obviously! Go away or he'll find me!" Spencer says. Maybe I should've just let them play outside. "We're gonna be finding them in the most random as fuck places until lunch right?" Nick says and I nod at him. "And guess who's "it"?" I say and he groans. "Why do they always pick him? He gets distracted and forgets to look for them!" Nick sighs. "Leave them, if they're not found in 20 minutes, I'll point him in the right direction." I say shaking my head, and going to study for a bit while I can.

*45 minutes later*

"Bub, no one's hiding outside, I promise." I say seeing Reid carefully watching out the screen door. "B-but I saw a little ducky! Look! There he is!" He exclaims, and I do in fact see a baby duck out there. "He's so sad and cold! Can we bring him inside?" He asks me. "Nope, he's not sad, duckies love the rain. Have you found everyone yet? Is it your turn to hide?" I ask, having directed him into the kitchen 20 minutes ago to find Spencer. "Oh no! I forgot to find everyone! I couldn't find anyone in the kitchen like you said Hunter! So I went upstairs and found Atlas, but he was going to take a shower so he told me to wait in his bedroom, and then I found Nicky when he came to take the garbage out of Atlas' room, and I followed him and found the little ducky!" He explains. "Right, well, you know Atlas and Nicky weren't playing hide and seek with you guys..." I say gently, though his proud smile still disappears as his face falls. "So I found no one?" He asks upset. "Not yet, why don't you and me find everyone together? Then we can make a snack, I bet everyone's hungry now." I say taking his hand to go find everyone.

I'm not panicking. Everything's fine. The doors are all locked and the alarm is still on, so he has to be somewhere in the house. "No fair! James always finds the best hiding spots!" Spencer complains. "He's just really really good at hiding and seeking! Remember, he always finds me right away!" Reid consoles him. "Sebs better at hide and seek than James! You only found him because Hunter helped you!" Eva says defensively, making Reid's face fall yet again. "You're good at hide and seek too, even without Hunter." Alex says, shooting daggers with his eyes at Eva while she's not looking at him. Alex's consoling doesn't work, because Reid starts sniffling. "Don't cry, it's okay, I'll find him for you!" Aaron says hugging him, as Nick, Atlas, Bellamy and Melissa join us, all shaking their heads indicating that they hadn't found James either. Okay now I'm fucking panicking. "What if—what if I never find him and he's lost forever like baby Noah?!" Reid panics. "You and me should go and check all the closets again, just in case, what if he went to Narnia?" Melissa says to stop the panic, taking Reid to look again, while I look at the rest of the kids. "He's not lost like baby Noah right?" Spencer asks quietly. "Baby Noah isn't lost in the house though, right? James is, so it's not the same, right?" Alex says, but sounds doubtful of himself. Sebastian doesn't say anything at first, but he opens his mouth and then closes it once Eva shakes her head at him. "James is only lost inside the house, so we will find at some point, and Hunter is still looking for baby Noah." He settles on saying, and thankfully they drop the baby Noah conversation, so I change the topic quickly.

"Okay, you guys, is there anywhere you haven't checked yet?" I ask. "Oh! I didn't check the library, I went to go pee!" Ben tells us, and Nick runs up to check quickly. Thankfully, he comes back a few minutes later with a sleepy looking James. "James! You won!" Spencer congratulates his best friend. "I fell asleep in my secret hiding spot, did red forget to find us again?" He asks, getting a nod from everyone. "If you guys all know he forgets to find you, why do you always pick him to be it?" Atlas asks, getting eye rolls from all of them. "Obviously we play rock paper scissors!" Alex tells us. "Yeah and Reid always chooses paper. Spencer continues. "I don't think he really understands how to play it, but I'm okay with not telling him how to because then I don't have to be it." Sebastian finishes. "Oh my god, they're literally mini yous." Bellamy laughs. "They do to Reid, what you two do to Atlas." He continues laughing. Atlas scoffs and Nick and I try not to laugh, but Bellamy is right, we used to do stuff like that to him growing up, and we still do sometimes.

"Anyways, now that everyone's been found, why don't we have a snack? Mel, Eva and Ben are gonna be picked up soon." I say, wanting to make sure they're all fed before going home. "Can we have watermelon!" Spencer shouts excitedly. "Kiddo, indoor voices, and we don't have any watermelon?" I say, wondering why he suddenly wants that, considering he doesn't even like watermelon. "Oh, but can we get some?" He asks. "Can we get some what? And you found him!" Reid says bouncing towards Spencer and into a big hug. "M'sorry I lost you." Reid mumbles to James, while still hugging the life out of Spencer. "I want to get a watermelon." Spencer tells Reid, making him frown. "But you don't like watermelon." He responds. The kids all give each other a look, and a nod before all staring at Reid. "Oh! Can we get one please?" Reid looks up at me asking when he notices them all staring at him. What the hell was that? "I-I mean I guess? But you three might not get any, even if Nick leaves now to go get one." I say, still not understanding why they want watermelon. "That's okay. I don't want a snack right now anyways." Eva says, taking Sebastian's hand and running out of the kitchen. "I'm okay too! I ate a lot of pancakes, I'm still full!" Ben says, and I look to Melissa. "I'll live without watermelon, don't worry." She says, leaving the kitchen with Atlas. "Right, well while we wait for the watermelon, why don't we go look out the window for the duckies." I say, making them all run to the screen door. I swear we're going to get this stupid watermelon, and I'm going to have to be the one to eat the whole thing.

So this was going to be a random filler chapter and it kind of is lmao but like I'm dying at the rock paper scissors and how they know what Reid chooses every time 😂. Anyways I'm going to try and get ahead and write more chapters so I get a semi consistent uploading schedule, but if not, I'll at least set a goal of one more chapter before May lol but it's a busy month so we'll see what happens. Anyways I need tv show recommendations because I'm out here rewatching comfort shows, but I like so many shows they can't all be comfort shows LOL not me forever watching one tree hill, once upon a time, htgawm, and criminal minds

May xx

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