Chapter 10

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We're jumping around a bit this chapter in povs and timelines so just kinda go with it okay? If the chapter seems jumbled lmao don't worry, it's not super important this chapter to follow in chronological order

Nicks POV:

Kneeling down beside Reid, I take a Quick Look at his chin, careful not to wake him. "Im sorry." I whisper to him as Aaron comes running in. "Hi Nick! I saw you at soccer earlier and now you're here! Oh is he still sleeping? Hunter said he was. Do you think he'll wake up soon? Did you know we're having a sleepover? It's a little silly that he's already asleep though right? Because we're going to sleep later at our sleepover. Can I cuddle with him— oh my gosh! He's got ouchies! Is he okay!" Aaron starts and almost never finishes. A bit like Alex in a sense, Alex has endless amounts of energy and never stops moving, and Aaron has endless amounts of words and never stops talking. "Hi Aaron, I did see you earlier, you played really well. Maybe hold off on the cuddles for now, just in case okay? He'll be okay, a little sore though, so you'll have to be gentle alright?" I say and he nods, happily watching Reid sleep, which to anyone else would seem creepy as fuck, but these two are literally content just being near each other. He is a little fucking weirdo though because I can hear him having a whole conversation with Reid, who is still asleep.

I leave them to go into the kitchen and grab the veggie tray. I set it on the table, and before I can get the dip out of the fridge, Spencer and James are already picking at it. Gross, plain veggies. My phone buzzes on the counter and I read my texts from Bellamy.

B: running late, be there soon, need me to pick up anything?
N: we're good, just hurry up and get here, I think everyone's already here

Feeling eyes on me, I look up to see Spencer and James staring at me. "What?" I ask. Neither of them answer me, they just share a look with each other. "Is she coming over today?" Spencer finally says narrowing his eyes at me. "No she's not, but Bell still is." I say and the two of them cheer. I'm a tiny bit offended, but after yesterday and today, I'm also a little okay that she's not here. I love her, but she has a tendency to rile the boys up at the wrong time. I guess that's what she does with Sarah too, we all do that with younger siblings, so it's normal, but those two looked too happy before I even answered the question. "Why do you ask?" I say catching their guilty faces before they shake it off. "She might've called the home phone... and I might've told her to stop bothering us cause we're having a sleepover and that she might not be invited or wanted..." Spencer says with the cutest most innocent smile on his face. I'm gonna kill him. "Are you fu-freaking kidding me Spence! I told you all not to say anything about the sleepover to her because she actually was not invited to it! She was only going to come over during the day!" I say only to get a definitely not sorry apology before everyone joins us in the kitchen.

When Reid wakes up and comes in the kitchen for a snack, he accepts a yogurt thankfully because I really didn't cater snacks for someone who accidentally but forcefully lost a tooth. Spencer being a little shit, decides to announce to Reid, but really everyone in the kitchen, that Sophie won't be over, but it doesn't stop there, and Hunter quickly shuts him up. I have never been more relieved at Reid being oblivious to his surroundings than I am now because he looks confused and doesn't understanding what Spencer was about to say about me "licking her boobies". Fucking kids.

Everyone's about to be busy doing their own thing, which means I have time to clean up the veggies and dip, before Bellamy gets here. Hunter goes outside with Alex, Reid, Ben, Aaron and Melissa, while I stay inside with Sebastian, Spencer, James and Eva, but when Bellamy gets here, everyone rushes outside. B and I sit in on the snakes and ladders game, that Reid is losing badly at. "No! Not another snake! I'll fight him for you Reid!" Aaron says hugging Reid who's pouting at the game. "You rolled doubles, that means you get another roll right?" (LMAO is that even a real rule in snakes and ladders? I don't know but it is now so go with it.) I say and he nods, picking up the dice. "How about we try a super special roll then, c'mere." I say patting my lap. He climbs onto me, and I take his hands in mine, and we roll the dice together. Silently breathing in relief, he counts his moves and goes up a tall ladder, before nurturing his own hand, making me look at Hunter who's already frowning. His hands haven't been hurting him recently, when did that start? Was it because he fell? We're going to have to start hand and arm stretches for him again. Bellamy jumps in and plucks Reid from my lap, onto his own. "I think we should start a new game, and you and me can be on team, what do you think little man?" He says, Reid blushes and nods, as Bellamy subtly massages Reid's hands. Thank god one of his previous "girlfriends" made him learn about massage therapy, one of the only useful skills any of his exes taught him. As if he can hear my thoughts, Bellamy mouths at me to fuck off.

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