Chapter 5

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Hunters POV:

I drop Atlas off at the cafe in town, and take Reid to physical therapy across the road from that. Even after almost a year, his legs, hips and sometimes hands still feel stiff and sore if he over does it, so we go once a week, and do stretches at home. Because he ran around a bit earlier today, we end our session a few minutes early and I take him to the groceries to get ingredients to make apology cookies for Sarah, before meeting Atlas back at the cafe. There's a band playing on the patio, and in the car, I can still hear what they're playing, but Reid asks me what it is. "They're playing a green day song, it's rock music, but they're playing it slower than the actual song." I tell him. "I can feel the music." He says, resting his hand against the car door. I put the window down so he can try and hear it better, as much as his hearing aid helps, sometimes it still feels muffled to him. Atlas joins us a few minutes later. "Look! We got everything to make your sorry cookies for Sarah!" Reid says pointing to the bag. Atlas sighs and looks at me. "Is she still there?" He asks me. "Actually Nonna came to pick her up about 15 minutes after we left, something about not doing her chores before she left." I tell him, seeing the relief in him when he finds out he won't have to face her just yet. "What happened with her anyways?" I ask him, but he looks to Reid before signalling me that he'll tell me later. Hopefully he's still in a good enough mood to tell me.

On the car ride home, my phone rings and it's from our home phone. That means that either Spencer, Alex or Seb are calling me, and most likely without Nicks permission. Atlas rolls his eyes and covers his ears, as I answer it through bluetooth. Immediately, we hear Alex and Spencer arguing about who gets to talk first. "Alex? Spence?" I call out and their yelling stops. "Are you two okay?" I ask, but get silence. "Where's Nick?" I then ask. "HES UPSTAIRS KISSING SOPHIE!" Spencer yells. "HE GAVE HER MOMS NECKLACE!!" Alex yells. "It's not hers, tell him she can't have it, it's not hers!" Sebastian adds in, not quite yelling, but still loud. What the hell are they talking about, what necklace? The three of them argue with each other forgetting I'm on the phone before I cut them off. "Okay, okay, calm down you guys, I'm going to be home in a few minutes and we'll sort this out then. Until then, you three leave Nick and Sophie alone, just wait for me." I say, not wanting them to walk in on anything they shouldn't be seeing.

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" Nick yells as we walk into the house. No surprise that they didn't listen to me to leave him alone, the shrieking alone, tells me that they definitely walked in on something. "No running on the stairs!" I call out, hearing their running footsteps. "SOPHIES NAKEY IN NICKYS BED!" Spencer screeches, still barreling down the stairs. "HE WAS LICKING HER BOOBIES!" Alex shrieks, but at least he's following the no running rule. "He was using his tongue! That's so dirty!" Sebastian cries out, following them. Oh my fucking god what the hell did they see? "HEY! I told you guys to leave them alone!" I say, and they look at me like it's my fault they walked in on that, while Atlas is dying of laughter. "Why was she nakey? And why were you licking her boobies? That's yucky." Reid decides to ask Nick as he comes rushing down the stairs. "Don't." Nick says to stop him, but Reid doesn't pick up on his tone and follows behind him, continuing to ask questions. "But Sophie's going to get cold if she's nakey! Did you give her a bath? Simba's mommy licks him to give him a bath! And Hunter always wraps me in my ducky towel after—" Reid rambles on still not clueing into Nicks anger, and before I can get to him and slip my hand over his mouth, Nick loses it.

"REID STOP FUCKING TALKING FOR ONCE!" He screams, anger radiating from him, Reid trips and falls backward onto his bum, probably in shock of his anger since he didn't realize it before, and Nick turns his anger to the other three. "Nick maybe—" I try to diffuse, helping Reid up, and gently shoving him aside towards Atlas. "Don't defend them! I told them to stay out of my room, and what the fuck do they do? They just barge in anyways!" Nick says to me angrily. "I know and I told them to leave you guys alone, but you were supposed to be watching them, you only had to watch them for less than two hours." I say tiredly, I already do not want to get into this, since once they boys are in bed tonight, Nick and I are going to have to talk about this properly, specifically Sophie and what they saw. "They're nine and ten! They can occupy themselves for a couple hours!" He says now frustrated. That's obviously not that the point, but it doesn't make sense to argue with him. "But you were supposed to be watching us you butthead!" Spencer yells and I want to slam my head into the wall, because why does he feel the need to make Nick angry all over again. Before Nick can start yelling again, I start talking. "Okay we have some cookies to make! You guys go wash up so you can help." I say, nudging them into the kitchen, Atlas included.

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