Chapter 2

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The morning sun slowly opened the curtain of clouds, it was a colorful
morning with a freshness of cool breeze rousing the world.

New day signify new page of your life. A fresh start to something beautiful.

It was a big day for two omegas living in a large city like Seoul where no
one really pays attention to anything going around them. Most big city
people lives like robots, always busy running on time and loaded with
uptight schedules.

It might be another ordinary day for people around them but for this best
friend duo, it was a really special day.

Their first day of the new page, new life with a new college and new
surroundings. Both couldn't stop their excitement from reflecting on their

"Bye bye, Grandma. I promise I'll visit on weekends and don't worry about me. Taehyung and I will be fine. Mom and Dad will be here before noon. Love ya." Jimin yelled igniting his two-wheeler as taehyung embraced his best friend's grandmother for the last time before running to sit behind his waiting friend.

"Be careful my babies. Have fun and stay away from alphas!" Granny shouted in her wobbly voice making both omegas laugh.

Oh, only if she knew in which field their babies have applied. Being an
old generation has its own losses. Anyone from the new generation can fool you without much effort so that's what jimin did. He hasn't told his parents which field he has chosen because they never asked. Jimin's parents really don't care now as their omega son has his mate, his alpha fixed already.

They have left all the big decisions and most of the responsibility of their son to yoongi, jimin's alpha.

If their son wants to go out then no need to ask parents but ask your
alpha. If he agrees then you're free to go.

Well, you see Mr. and Mrs. Park's mindset is still very ancient and belongs to the old era. The same goes for taehyung's parents. But it's good he hasn't been matched or fixed with any Alpha yet. He's so grateful to his
mother for letting him accomplish his career first because his father has
long started nagging about arranging taehyung with a strong alpha before
letting him go to the university in Seoul.

The pair reached their newly rented dorms where their heavy luggage
was already sent a few days ago by jimin's father. Dorms provide necessary pieces of furniture so there wasn't any need for much.

"Jiminie, I told you we should have come a week earlier to unpack everything. Now we don't have time to clean or even arrange stuff." Blue
locks omega complained watching the unorganized and dusty situation of
their dorm.

"Oh! Tae tae. Quit it. We will do it once we come back from the
university. It's not like anyone's gonna come and check how messy it is so
just chill. Now let me get ready. It's our first day and I need to make my
impression." Jimin said putting a peach-shade lip gloss on his plump lips.

Just light touch ups nothing heavy.
Taehyung sighed rolling his eyes at his dramatic best friend. Jimin's always like that, he loves to get ready and look pretty all the time while
taehyung can't really stand anything on his skin not even lipstick or
lipgloss. He only does his skincare and that's enough for him.

And jimin agrees with it because taehyung don't really need make up to look pretty, he's naturally very beautiful. His sun-kissed skin is flawless like a porcelain doll, his eyes are a most gorgeous shade of ocean, his lips are inherently pink and his facial features are sharp yet delicate like models.

It's not like jimin wasn't Beauty himself but he was a complete 'material girl' type so liked to get ready.

On the other hand, Taehyung doesn't like makeup but that doesn't mean
he hates when someone other wears it.

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