Chapter 6

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The specific dorm of omega's side was filled with loud laughters and heavy
chatting. It was Sunday and as per the promise, three alphas reached Omega's dorms even before dinner time. They were so excited and hungry.

Taehyung and Jimin were preparing some side dishes in the kitchen while
Yoongi and Hoseok were playing games till the dinner was prepared.

Jungkook was the only one helping omegas in the kitchen. Well, he is the
laziest person when it comes to house chores and stuff but today he has a
mission to accomplish.

He is determined to get just a little close to taehyung and the kitchen
being a small space was a good opportunity for the buff alpha to get close to taehyung. Jimin was chatting with jungkook but Alpha's eyes were stuck on the blue head figure cutting the vegetables for salad.

Taehyung was aware of the eyes on him but he was growing used to
jungkook's gaze on him whenever they were in same space.

"Kook, you're creeping him out so calm your alpha nerves down. I know my best friend is gorgeous but you gotta stop staring at him like you want to eat him." Jimin openly remarked and jungkook was taken back by his boldness.

The alpha looked down with burning cheeks.

"Don't worry. I'm with you in this so I'm going to help you create an
opportunity. Take it but no funny business alright?" Short omega warned and the alpha nodded his head like a good puppy.

"Tae, I'm going to take a shower first. Jungkook will help you set the
table." Pink-haired omega smiled winking at Alpha before leaving the duo alone in the kitchen.

Taehyung couldn't even think of any excuses to get away from jungkook.
He really wasn't ready to be alone with an alpha to whom he has barely
talked a few times. It's totally out of his comfort zone but seems like Jimin has other plans.

"Hey. I'll return your notes tomorrow. I hope that's fine." Jungkook found
the easiest way to start a conversation as he didn't want to make Omega more uncomfortable than he already is.

"Y-yeah. It's totally fine."
"You know, you can calm down. I'm totally harmless. I'm sorry if I'm
making you uneasy, taehyung. I don't know what to do to make you feel
better around me." The raven head was making an effort. He really wants to be close to taehyung but for that, he needs to know what is making Omega so terrified and alert around him.

Taehyung on the other hand felt very guilty for jungkook. The alpha is
trying to lessen the tension between them. It's all because of taehyung's
anxiety and introverted side. He's never been around alphas and was always taught to stay away from them from his childhood which is the reason he still couldn't freely open up between higher ranks.

The blue head felt good that jungkook at least tried to know and understand his behavior. He wasn't judging him like other alphas who mostly take taehyung's avoidance as shyness or too timid or some even take it as Omega having attitude problems.

"I... I'm sorry. It's just I don't know how to act around alphas. I-i have
never been around with any beside my father." Taehyung finally discerns the need to reply for once because he's tired of others taking his social
anxieties and introverted antisocial personality as his ego and attitude

"That's fine. I understand but just know that I mean no harm to you so
please don't feel tensed around me. We are in the same class, and live in the same neighborhood so I don't want you to stay awkward around me. You always look so scared and try to avoid me so it got me thinking I must have left a bad first impression. It makes me feel like I did something bad to you." The Ravenette laughed at the end to make the conversation Little light.

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