Chapter 9

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A few days later, taehyung felt good enough to continue his lectures and job but his paranoia hits every time he walks on the same route. The bad
memories keep triggering but luckily he wasn't alone this time.

Jungkook showed up every day in the library. Even though the alpha arrives late sometimes, still dressed in his player tee paired with regular jeans, he never arrives at the library so late that taehyung has to walk home alone.

He always stays till taehyung's work hours finish every single day.

The alpha didn't know but the blue-haired omega's heart melted for him every time he came to the library because taehyung knew jungkook didn't come here to read random books every day. The raven-haired alpha only comes to see him and walk home together after the omega's shift is over.

It was such heart heart-touching move for someone who has never
experienced anything beyond isolation.

Taehyung was first time experiencing such a warm feeling in his heart for
someone, more precisely... An alpha.

It was an ordinary day, jungkook just entered and sat on his usual chair
grabbing a random book by the shelf.

Taehyung took a glance at Alpha
secretly before returning to his work. He was totally aware of the pair of
charcoal eyes darted towards him. It's like he got used to Alpha staring at
him thinking taehyung wouldn't know but Ravenette forgot that omegas have the best sixth sense.

Also, who would read a book upside down unless the one has some really
extravagant talent?

Bluehead was holding his laugh, trying not to be obvious while Alpha
kept his eyes over the ethereal being. He was so lost that he didn't even know when very few people around him started to notice his intense gaze
on the gorgeous librarian.

Beta on the table beside cleared his throat to pull Alpha's attention but
jungkook was far gone for taehyung's ocean-blue eyes.

"Excuse me... Will you stop staring at him? He must be feeling uncomfortable." Beta tried to be over-smart but jungkook just allotted him a blank look which made the guy shiver for a second.

"He's my mate, I am looking at what is always been next time you tried to disturb me, I'll bury you alive right under that fucking table you're sitting on." Jungkook's voice came more ragged than normal and his eyes flashed dark maroon making the beta guy scramble away with his trembling limbs.

The shivering guy ran past taehyung making Omega confused. He was
also regular here, omega has caught the dude staring at him a few times
now but he never pays it any attention as he usually receives those eyes because of his abnormal hair color.

Taehyung checked on jungkook and he was now staring at one place with
a stiff body as if he wasn't even a living person.

The omega felt the sudden eeriness so he walked to the rigid alpha.

"Hey, is everything alright?" The sweet aroma of roses made the alpha's anger vanish into thin air before he looked up with the most precious bunny smile.

"Yeah. Everything's perfect."Taehyung returned the smile with his boxy

Suddenly his smile turned into a giggle as he leaned closer turning the
upside-down book held in Ravenette's hands.

Gosh, that was so embarrassing.

Jungkook despite being alpha feels like burying his whole muscle body
into the ground of his own stupidity.
How much a single crush can make you a total fool. Jeon jungkook was
living proof of it at that moment.

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