The sufferings

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"Move, you worthless dog."The votja yells as he slashes the snaza's back with a whip. The snaza staggers as he carries the heavy basket of yeilds. He continues moving as blood oozes out of his wound on the back. The votja continues yelling and whipping other snaza workers. It is a painful sight to watch as the snazas fall down while bleeding and continue being whipped as they struggle to get up. Some cry out in pain, others endure the pain while others try pleading for mercy but are whipped more instead.
The scene is being witnessed by a pair of beautiful brown eyes looking through a small window in an old house about to fall apart. She slowly moves back with shaking hands after observing the terrifying scene. She slowly tries to calm herself down and takes deep breath so that her heart rate goes back to normal. In her mind, she wonders if life has always been like this for the snazas. She is beautiful with brown skin and 15 years old.
Late in the evening, the grandfather arrives after a long day of hardwork from the shop.He calls out "Jaruma." The beautiful young girl rushes over to him and gives him a big hug. In the midst of laughter, the grandfather says " How have you been my dear?"Jaruma giggles and responds "Am doing great grandpa, l have been waiting for you all day long." "Is that so?"the grandfather laughs.
"Good evening, where are James and Flora?"The grandmother appears from the kitchen and asks. "Oh they are still at work, l suppose."the grandfather responds. "At this late hour, these votjas really know how to overwork us." The grandmother sneers."Anyway Jaruma set the table, am sure they will be here soon."The grandmother says with bitterness. The grandfather moves to rest on an ugly old sofa. After his body's weight is fully exerted on the sofa, he sighs in exhaustion. Meanwhile Jaruma hurriedly places the plates on the table cheerfully.
Suddenly, the door flies open. Flora and James (Jaruma's parents) enter as Flora is supporting James as he moves. She gently places him on the sofa next to the grandfather and rushes to another small room. James groans in pain. "What happened?"The grandfather asks as his worried gaze lingers on James. Flora quickly returns with a small box containing medical items. James slowly unbuttons his old blue shirt as he continues to groan in pain. "He was lashed by one of the votja warriors for being too slow" Flora says. The grandfather frowns and says "Such a harsh punishment for a small mistake." James groans in pain. Flora manages to wipe off the blood oozing from the wound , applies a special cream to it and stitches it.
On top of giving us little salary, they again take the opportunity to mistreat us." Flora snarls. Jaruma comes rushing into the room. "Good evening mum and dad."Jaruma says smiling broadly. She then notices her father's wounded back. Her smile slightly drops as she takes in her father's condition. "Oh My God, Dad, what happened?" She asks as she sits next to her dad."It's nothing honey."James says smiling. Tears well up in Jaruma's eyes."Jaruma, come on, don't cry."James says. She wipes her tears as her dad pulls her in for a hug.
"Ok, let's get ready for dinner."Flora says happily.
At the dinner table, they are all enjoying the meal. "So did you guys hear about the Kriger's incident."James says. "One of the girls there was almost killed by a votja warrior."Flora says.The grandfather asks"Why?" Flora nods her head and says"No one knows, she was badly injured." The grandmother laughs nervously and says"Let's not talk about violence, shall we?" She widens her eyes and points to Jaruma who is peacefully enjoying her meal.The elders give one another a knowing look and continue with dinner quietly.

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