A trip to the past

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Long time ago, the lardirs were united. The snazas, Kriger's and harcos were one. They lived in unity and had one king,king Sebastian.

One day, our ancestors soon found out that there were more people in this world except the lardirs. These people lived on islands far away from us. This was discovered by a group of people who had gone out fishing and decided to go further way from the island.

Soon, they saw an island and were all equally shocked."Shall we sail to the island and see what's on it, captain."one of the lads on the ship said.

"No, let's observe from a safe distance because we do not know what's on that island."The captain said.

They sailed closer to the island at a safe distance. First they saw ships and then they saw people, the votjas. 
"Captain, it's people. The lad said.

Viewing from his binoculars, the captain marvelled at the sight before him. "It's people."He said. "Yes, captain, what do we do?"

The captain took a few steps back and breathed in deeply and said "We set sail for home, they may be people but we do not know what they can really do."

"Yes captain."Everyone on the ship said. They sailed away from the votja's island  to home.

As soon as the ship landed, the captain sent word to the king requesting to speak to him about an important matter.

After 2 days, the captain and some of his crew members were called in.

Standing before the king and h imois loyal governors, they presented their case.
The king was seated at his throne which was elevated from the rest of the ground and a staircase of 8 steps led to it while the governors were seated below on the flat area with their seats on the sides leaving a path that led to the staircase to the king's throne.

The captain and the crew stood in that exact spot with their heads bowed down.

The captain.
My king, we have come with important information."You may proceed."the king  said.

As we sailed further into the ocean. The captain looked at his crew as if seeking for courage to continue.

We saw another island. Everyone in the room gasps and murmuring goes on .
The king  raises his hand silencing everyone and gestures for the captain to continue. The captain continues.

We decided to go fishing very far way from the island to see what we would catch if went further.

And as we sailed, we reached  some part of the ocean and behold, there lay another island. We moved a bit closer to see what lay on the island and we saw some other people.

The governors erupted into more murmuring as they shared their thoughts on what was being said.

The king said"Another group of people you say."

"Yes my king."the captain said.

I witnessed it together with my crew. The crew all nodded  their heads confirming it to be true.

Suddenly, one of the governors said "l do not believe it." The whole room turned to look at him in the direction where he was.

The king said. " I have trouble believing him as well but we cannot just dismiss the case. What if he's right."

The king stood up from his throne and the governors followed. The king said"l propose that we send a group of people, led by the captain and one of the crew members and one of ur governors to see if this information is true or false."

The governors nodded in agreement as they looked at one another.

"If the information is found true, then we shall find a way to deal with the situation, if false, then l guess we shall find a way to deal with the captain and his crew. The king said with a smile on his face which gave out more fear than joy as he looked the captain in the eyes.

The king was not one to tolerate anything that was going to disorganise his kingdom.

In a loud voice, he added with his back facing the governors, captain and his crew members "And let no one hear about this until it is confirmed, it may cause a ruckus in the kingdom and l don't want any disorganization, AM I CLEAR."

"Yes, my king."Everyone else in the room said in unison.

"Very good. The king said.

The captain and his crew members stepped aside and bowed as the king as made his exit.

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