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Jaruma's POV
As l am still lying in bed, wondering how l will survive at the camp, l hear a knock at my door. It opens to reveal my mother, Flora.

She gives me a sad smile and asks

"Are you okay?" I nod and smile. She walks over to my bed which is not in good shape since that's what we can afford.

" I know that's this is going to be a big adjustment for you, but your going to be fine, it will be tough but l need you to stay strong and endure it all. Be strong." Mum says as she gives a reassuring smile but the sadness in her eyes speaks differently.

Suddenly, l break into tears and jump into her hands while crying hysterically. I couldn't believe this was happening, l was going to be separated from my family, undergo a lot of torture. This couldn't be happening. Mum wraps her arms around me. When l wipe my tears away and retrieve from mum's arms, l notice grandpa standing at the door. He saunters towards my ramshackled bed and sits. He looks into my eye and small smile tugs at the end of his lips and says

" Rather than crying and pitying yourself, why not endure it and make something better out of it." He continues and adds " Everything happens for a reason." He lifts his hands and pats my head, that smile still on his face. l can't help but reciprocate the emotion.

" So how about we start packing." Mum says. I nod. Mum and l spend the next 15 minutes packing my bags. It's not like l owned a lot so it took a short amount of time. Mum helps me dress up and get ready.

We head downstairs for breakfast and find some of my favorite dishes already set on the table with grand ma, grand pa and dad looking at us with smiles on their faces. We sit down and enjoy the family meal.

Soon, the table is cleared and we enjoy some family chatter as we  laugh and joke around.

Suddenly, a knock at the door is heard. Dad movess to the door and opens to reveal a fierce looking votja warrior. In that moment l just feel like vomiting my heart. It felt so good to be home and enjoying it's comforts. I lower my eyes in disappointment and fear.

My dad speaks with the votja warrior and turns to give me a sad look. We all stand up from the table. Grandma comes over to me, hugs me and kisses me on the forehead and says

" Be strong my dear." With that she moves to the side revealing mum, who looks like she's holding in her tears but bravely plastering a smile on her face. She hugs me tighter than ever and says

" You are going to be fine, okay?" I nod with a small smile on my face. She smiles back and moves aside. Dad comes after her, kneels down on one knee and looks into my eyes. His green  eyes are quite a sight to behold.

Dad is quite good looking by the way, no wonder mum fell for him. She's kinda tough but l guess dad's looks must have done some part of the job. I snap out my weird thoughts as am brought back to reality by the votja warrior who rudely says

" Hurry up." Without even sparing us an ice cold glare.

How rude!

My dad holds up his fist for a fist bump. I reciprocate the gesture. He lightly slaps my cheek and says

" Be brave kid."

" Hmmmm am kind of too old to be called a kid, dad. l say. He chuckles lightly and gives me a bear hug and kisses my cheek. Next comes grandpa, he looks down at me and says

" Jaruma, never forget the meaning of your name."

" Heroine." I say.

" And what are the qualities? " He asks.

" Courageous and a conqueror." I reply.

" Then l guess we understand each other perfectly then." He says and l nod. He wraps me up in a tight hug and the rest join us.

As l head towards the carriage, mum can't fail but give me one last kiss on the forehead and say goodbye Jaruma.

I climb into the carriage and in a matter of seconds, the votja warrior has already started it moving. I look behind as my family waves at me. I can't fail but drop a tear as they disappear into the distance. Very soon, they are gone and that breaks my heart but l have to stay strong. I take a deep breathe and wait for what comes next.

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