The visit

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"We welcome  you to this Kingdom, we are honored to host you and have you here."King Joshua said smiling broadly.

"Thank you, your majesty."The doubting governor said. And the interpreter did his job.

"What brings you to my kingdom."King Joshua asked.

The doubting governor stood up and explained their surprise at the discovery of another Island and new people which is why they had arrived to make an alliance because they believe that friendship between the two kingdoms would be good for both parties." The interpreter did his job once again.

King Joshua chuckled before speaking "so what you're saying is that you did not know that there was another kind of people in this world, am  l right?"

"Yes, your majesty." The interpreter said.

"And where could this Kingdom of yours be located if I may ask?"King Joshua said smiling in a friendly manner.

The location of the kingdom was disclosed and further discussions went on until King Joshua decided that they would save the rest of the conversation for the next day.

The meeting was dismissed and their guests were laid away to their sleeping Chambers.

Late in the night, the doting governor remember that King Sebastian had sent a special gift for the king of the votjas undecided to go to his Chambers and deliver the gift himself together with one of the interpreters.

As they were granted entrance into the King's Chambers, they moved close enough to hear the king speaking to three of his royal men.

King Joshua
This is a great opportunity to extend my power. If I am able to capture the lardirs  Island, I will be more powerful and I'll also be able to get hold of the Zolex kingdom.
This will make me the most powerful ruler ever.

King Joshua chuckled menacingly.
Prepare the soldiers for war we need to take over this Kingdom by hook or crook. We shall attack after 3 days 3 days from now we shall attack and take over the lardirs' empire.
Do I make myself clear and will my orders be followed accordingly.

"Yes, my king." The three real men responded in unison.

After all power lies inhaving many allies. The king chuckled menacingly.

Suddenly, the king noticed shadows in his chamber and turned around to see the doubting governor and one of the interpreters. His eyes widened at the site of these two but he quickly regained his composure and chuckled menacingly.

"What is this you are trying to do, l thought we were going to make an alliance."The governor said.

"It is an alliance but only where I'm in charge." King Joshua said while chuckling.  He added "Get ready to lose your kingdom."

He called out to the gods and asked them to imprison the so called visitors.

The lardirs  were all immediately taken away and imprisoned in the dungeon.

As they were in the dungeon in the middle of the night, they managed to touch a plan and escape from the prison.

They fled that same night and managed to reach the ocean, they managed to get a boat and be able to run away sailing back to the lardirs Island.

When King Joshua heard about this he said"let them run, let them warn them after all they need to prepare for their new ruler."

The lardirs sailed as fast as they could and did their  best to reach the lardirs Island in time.

As soon as they arrived they were asking to meet the king right away as this was an important issue to discuss.

The king immediately invited them in to tell him how it had gone. He received them with a large amount of excitement but they soon crushed it as they told him everything that had happened and what that King of the votjas was planning to do to them.

King Sebastian was equally enraged by this but a decision had to be made on how they are going to protect the people. They could choose to fight by they were not  as strong as the votjas.

JARUMAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora